Odin's Court forum.... these people are idiots

wow is it just me or do these people seem like idiots???? heh some retard tried to tell me that the spelling ODEN is wrong.... damn tard
Here in Norway we spell Oden with an i aswell, just like our ancestors...I belive Norway is the ultimate viking country... Atleast we had the most hard fighting, hard farting berserkers. So Odin is'nt all that wrong(acully it's all that right!) ^^
Blodørn;6116120 said:
Here in Norway we spell Oden with an i aswell, just like our ancestors...I belive Norway is the ultimate viking country... Atleast we had the most hard fighting, hard farting berserkers. So Odin is'nt all that wrong(acully it's all that right!) ^^

nay.. what the dude is saying is that there are many ways to spell Odin.. oden, odhinn.. whatever.. and he's pissed cause some other dude tried to correct him for spelling "Odin" with an "e" when it actually is one of the numerous correct spellings.
nay.. what the dude is saying is that there are many ways to spell Odin.. oden, odhinn.. whatever.. and he's pissed cause some other dude tried to correct him for spelling "Odin" with an "e" when it actually is one of the numerous correct spellings.

thank you man.. lol you just saved me a long post.... i know Odin is also a right spelling but he told me that i was spelling it wrong... and this is why i was pissed.. heheh i wont disagree with someone ( when talking about a serious topic ) if they are right and if i dont know if they are right or wrong then i will simply look up many different sources and then give my say on the matter at hand
Blodørn;6116120 said:
Here in Norway we spell Oden with an i aswell, just like our ancestors...I belive Norway is the ultimate viking country... Atleast we had the most hard fighting, hard farting berserkers. So Odin is'nt all that wrong(acully it's all that right!) ^^

Hail Norway!!!!!!!
Sure thing.. Hail Norway :D And Odin(for your sake.. Oden) goes under many names, acculy a whole freaking bunch! I am sure that if you say baked potato that's the same as saying Oden...
Blodørn;6117402 said:
Sure thing.. Hail Norway :D And Odin(for your sake.. Oden) goes under many names, acculy a whole freaking bunch! I am sure that if you say baked potato that's the same as saying Oden...

lmao!!! and nah Blodorn i know Odin is a correct spelling.... actually alot of the times i change up the spelling...