
Bam Bam Boogie Bear!
Jun 11, 2010
Tallahassee, Fl
so with about 50% of my recording sessions, certain plugins, if turned on, silence the entire song, but when i turn the one (sometimes more than one) plugin off, i can hear every track fine. most cases being Ronald Passion Engineering's PARALLEL EQ v.1 and Reaper's Classic EQ (which seem to make the biggest difference between a good guitar tone and a brutally awesome tone). one day ill have a sick song finished, then i want to start a new song, with the same guitar chain settings, but when i turn the certain plugins on, about half the time it just silences every track, playing no audio at all. HOW THE HELL CAN THIS BE FIXED?! has anyone else ever had this problem or am i just being bashed with bad luck? :/
Tallahassee huh? I thought I was about the only one in this god forsaken hole that was interested in Metal AE.
Anyway, sounds like your plug in's might be in demo mode or something. That's the only thing I can think of. I don't know about the Reaper plug giving you difficulties though.

Actually thought of another thing. If you are rending or applying track effects faster than real time that can give you troubles too. Try options/preferences/audio/limit apply fx to real time. That might help.

Good luck! Let me know how it goes!