Some Questions About Tubes And Pickups


May 7, 2008
Hello to all :)
I have some question, that can be interesting not only for such newbies, like me ;)

1 - What is a difference between soft rated and hard rated power amp tubes, and which type is better suit for high gain amps, like Peavey, Engl, Mesa, . . ?

2 - What brand of tube do you offer for thouse high gain amps, just your opinions please?

3 - I like active pickups for its more compressed and long sound :) I know, that the difference between EMG 81-7 and EMG707. Emg 81-7 is something like EMG 81 6 string version, and EMG707 is something like EMG 85, but - What is the difference between EMG81-7 and EMG707TW, and what humbucker is better for round highs and mondo, deep low end in basswood body? (I know, that emg707tw is tween pickup, I only interested in tone difference)

Thanks for the attention :)
The EMG707TW is identical in sound to the 707, it just has more splitting options, so in a basswood guitar, I'd go for a 707 (or 707TW if you want the splitting options, cuz as I said, they're the same). As for soft/hard rated tubes, I've actually never even heard of that, but I know the popular brands are JJ, Tung-Sol, and Svetlana/SED.
The rating system that you are talking about is a general measurement of how hard you have to push the tube before it clips. I really can't think of a modern high gain amp that is designed to use power amp compression as part of it's sound, unlike a non-master volume amp like a Marshall Plexi or 2203 where the power section is a big part of it's gain tone. So given that I'd go for something in the 5-7 range.
Thank you for the info :) So interesting, why is worse to go with emg 81 in basswood ? :)
I personally am not a fan of active pickups. This is purely subjective of course, a lot of people swear by the EMG sound and that's cool, a lot of great records have been made with them. However, for me, EMGs are tonally lacking in personality. I personally prefer when you can hear the individual personality of the guitar and the pickups working together, and I would always go for passives for this. This may just be me, and I'm sure a few people will turn around and say 'You must be using the EMGs wrong, then!", but I've always preferred the passive sound, and probably always will. Some really good pickups I can recommend for 7-Strings are Bare Knuckle Nailbombs, alhough the Bare Knuckle Warpigs sound more like what you're after soundwise. Here's their website if you're interested. They are custom made in the UK, built to spec, and are a little bit cheaper than the EMGs. But it's your call. If I had to pick out of the EMGs you mentioned, I would go with the 707s.

As for powertubes, I find it varies from amp to amp. Some amps get along well with Electro Harmonix, others with JJs, others with Groove Tubes, etc. If you could name the amp you were talking about, perhaps I could be a little more help?
adamrecordsbands - thanks for the answer, help and useful links :) I insterested in every pickup, the only reason, that i wanted to go with emgs is that i want very processed and compressed sound, something like Gorefest new albums 2005-2007, so I thinked about Seymour Duncan Invader 7 pickups, but emg . . As for tubes, I want load peavey jsx with tungsol 12AX7 because of their more smoothness and higher gain in the same time, but don't know about powertubes, i know just, that i want 6L6, and not EL34. EL34 is more crunchy and bright, but 6L6 has biger and deeper low end, and I think more fat sound. That's all I know :) and don't know which tubes and pickups are better for the heavy processed and compressed sound with big low end. Hope you or someone can tell. .
Another amp that i liked for its compressed and straight sound is Engl Powerball, maybee it is better to go passive, but with powerball ? (forgot to say)
adamrecordsbands - thanks for the answer, help and useful links :) I insterested in every pickup, the only reason, that i wanted to go with emgs is that i want very processed and compressed sound, something like Gorefest new albums 2005-2007, so I thinked about Seymour Duncan Invader 7 pickups, but emg . . As for tubes, I want load peavey jsx with tungsol 12AX7 because of their more smoothness and higher gain in the same time, but don't know about powertubes, i know just, that i want 6L6, and not EL34. EL34 is more crunchy and bright, but 6L6 has biger and deeper low end, and I think more fat sound. That's all I know :) and don't know which tubes and pickups are better for the heavy processed and compressed sound with big low end. Hope you or someone can tell. .

You're welcome dude. I'd never heard of Gorefest before today, but after checking the stuff on Myspace (which was actually quite cool), the Bare Knuckle Nailbombs in a 7 string config would most likely get you where you want to be. Like I say, if you drop the guys at Bare Knuckle an email, more than likely they'll be more help than I'm bieng right now.

As for your tube situation, I'd recommend maybe taking a look at some JJ E34Ls, all the benefits of the EL34s but with the nicer low end response of the 6L6s. 6L6s generally have to be driven harder than most tubes to get 'the 6L6 sound' out of too, whereas the E34L's don't need to be driven as hard. Shop around though, experiment, and find what works best for you. :)
Thanks again :) Well, I'll try JJEL34 and Bare Knuckle Nailbombs), just final question I have : Is any difference between 7-string guitar and 6-string guitar with 7-strings on it in sound? Guitars with the same wood and pickups (I know, that on 6string I'll have lost first string,I ask that, because I love the seven string sound, but at the same time love 6 string playability)
FYI Bob from Eurotubes recommends that JSX users not use E34L power tubes due to a screen grid resistor problem.
I personally am not a fan of active pickups. This is purely subjective of course, a lot of people swear by the EMG sound and that's cool, a lot of great records have been made with them. However, for me, EMGs are tonally lacking in personality. I personally prefer when you can hear the individual personality of the guitar and the pickups working together, and I would always go for passives for this. This may just be me, and I'm sure a few people will turn around and say 'You must be using the EMGs wrong, then!", but I've always preferred the passive sound, and probably always will.


I'm currently using a Seymour Duncan Invader. Huge great thing with massive pole pieces. Listen to the palm muting on Ithyphallic by Nile. This is the pickup Karl is using on those recordings.
I have Invader in Washborn, basswood and it sounds great on rythms and quiet good on solos, but it sounds a little boofy in low end in mahogany, I noticed.
And what about SH-6 Distorsion? Has anyone used it in mahogany?
FYI Bob from Eurotubes recommends that JSX users not use E34L power tubes due to a screen grid resistor problem.

That's interesting. I've heard of it working out before, but if that's the case then maybe try some 6L6s. I know why you've chosen the KT77s, and that's interesting, but I've never heard of them working out in a metal scenario. I know they play very nicely with amps that were stock EL34, so if you do give them a try, let me know how it works out, I'd be interested to hear! If you can't get the E34L's i there though, I'd go for the 6L6s, or maybe some Electro Harmonix EL34s.

Sonically, there will be a slight difference between 6 and 7 strings, because the body and the necks are slightly bigger, the soundwaves have got a larger space to resonate in.

The Invaders are cool, however a no-go IMO in basswood guitars.
Hey :) I am happy, I finnaly found pickup, that makes guitar growler, it is DiMarzio D Sonic. It gives really the ton I want :)
Thanks to all :) especially adamrecordsbands for his complete and helful answers :)
Just as a suggestion on the tubes. I use the Ruby/JJ 6L6 GC's. They are JJ 6L6 GC series tubes, but they are hand-picked by Ruby. The "cream of the crop" so to speak. You may want to check out what Ruby has to offer. They haven't let me down so far. Our other guitarist uses the Ruby 6L6 GC Master's. I know people will argue that a tube will only do so much for your tone, but I beg to differ in specific cases. I replaced my Groove Tube EL34 "Mullard" tubes (only 6 months old) with the Ruby/JJ's and the amp went from great to Face-Melting. More punch, power, gain, volume, everything.

Just my 2 cents.
Gorefest records with Gibsons, i believe with just the stock pickups and modded marshall 1987x amps.

you can ask gear questions on their forum :

don't get why you think they use a heavily processed sound ? live it's one guitar with a mesa recto, other is modded marshall, and gibson with stock pickups, and certainly not that much gain, they have a really clear sound.
Tommy Gun - interesting, I heared, that JJ has quiet good preamp 12AX7, and great power amp tubes, and if not only one man speaking about the good power amp tubes, think they are really great.
What do you think or know about Tungsol 12AX7? I heared many good things about it - is sound smoother and with higher gain at the same time.

viggen666 - I just thinked so, when I listened to them, and don't know what amps they really used. I have finally find the sound I was seaking for, it is just engl powerball, or fireball. The fireball even better, because of darker and sublimer tone :) It just flows like a river. The Mesa is good too, but it is very agressive and mad.

adamrecordsbands - thanks :):)