Some questions from a new fan


Feb 21, 2002
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I saw Anthrax in Detroit a few nights ago, and loved their show! So much that I'm ready to start buying some cds, but could maybe use a little direction. I won't ask what I should buy first, because I'll probably get as many answers as there are people who post here! But I have a friend has a few Anthrax cds and mentioned to me that they went through a period of time where they kind of got into "rap rock" and had bands like public enemy in on their tours and such. I would like to avoid those albums - not that I will never buy them, but would rather get other stuff first. He said "Attack of the killer B's" was one, but he only has one album since that time and doesn't know how long the rap stuff lasted. Could someone maybe help me out with that?

And if anyone saw the Detroit show and could post a setlist so I know what it was that I heard, that would be great. They just seemed like they were really happy to be there, really into to putting on a good show for the crowd, and I was pretty amazed.
The rap-rock thing is not as big as its made out to be there is only the Bring the Noise cover and I'm the Man. If I was you since you liked the set they played I would get The Sound of White Noise first. Then go up (release date wise) from there with Stomp 442 and then Volume 8. Then I would go backwards with Persistance of Time then to Among the Living. After that fill out the collection with Spreading the Disease, State of Euphoria, Armed and Dangerous,and then Fistfull of Metal. Attack of the A's is a greatest hits thing and Attack of the B's is mostly live stuff and cover songs. But thats just, in my opinion how I would break a person in to Anthrax. Have Fun!
If you really wan't to check them out, go get RETURN OF THE KILLER A'S. It's a "best of' compilation w/ 8 songs featuring joey belladonna and 8 songs featuring john bush ( the singer you saw)
The rapmetal songs are only 3.
1 BRING THE NOISE (originally by public enemy that they rap on w/ chuck d.) ALL METAL! DOUBLE BASS DRUM OUT THE ASS! You heard it at the show, I'm sure.
2 I'M THE MAN (THE ONE ON KILLER A'S IS EDITED....basically a "we're white guys rapping, kiss our ass" song.
3 I'M THE MAN '91 better than the original...all cussing intact

I hope this helps you out.
WOW! i would like to say that this board is the first one ive been a member of that doesnt bash the young fans! the board, aside from their censoeship thing, is really not excepting of the newer glad you all are cool with the 'young-uns' cuz im only 18 and ive always lke anthrax but i saw them for the first time last week and im fucking all over them now! i wish i had money to buy some cds! poor me:( oh well!

i just thought id say how nice most of you are, that seems to be a rare quality now-a-days!
Thanks for all of the responses! I ususally don't do compliation albums unless it's a band that I don't really like, but do like a bunch of the singles. If I buy, or first borrow, a few albums and think, "wow, this really sucks, they only have one good song per album" I might get the best-of album and be done with it.

Hopefully that will not be the case! I have heard Among the Living which I like a lot and definitely plan on getting for myself. Very very impressed with the vocals. I also listened to one other cd, but I don't remember which. But I have a good feeling that I wont' be dissapointed by most of the albums.
i can tell from a life of music
i have listen to all types rap, country, blues, rock, r&b, metal,
just about everything you can imagine i have listened to it.
now as for anthrax
if you get the chance to buy all the cd's they have you will have a complete wide band on music to listen to.
i like im the man 91 and sound of white noise the best
i just got a burnt copy of VOL. 8 and it rock's like i have never heard from them before
so to me its hard to give you just one cd to go buy to get strated you would just have to get one then another and another
which ever one you cna get your hands on fisrt dont pass it up BUY IT while you have the chance!!!!!!!!!!
A whole debate was started over me letting you burn vol.8.....
the music police are gonna get ya! RUN! RUN!:lol:

I know what you mean INSIDE OUT. The ppl on the MetallicA site were a lot older than me and giving me shit...they didn't care that i listened to them since I was like, 7 or something. I was a "new fan".........Fuckin' assholes! I was a fan when Cliff Burton was still alive, that's far from a new fan.
Fuck 'em. We'll take you.:lol:
Originally posted by gregthraX

The rapmetal songs are only 3.
1 BRING THE NOISE (originally by public enemy that they rap on w/ chuck d.) ALL METAL! DOUBLE BASS DRUM OUT THE ASS! You heard it at the show, I'm sure.
2 I'M THE MAN (THE ONE ON KILLER A'S IS EDITED....basically a "we're white guys rapping, kiss our ass" song.
3 I'M THE MAN '91 better than the original...all cussing intact

Actually, you guys are forgetting about "Looking Down the Barrel of a Gun".

As for which albums to get, I would just buy the Killer A's greatest hits album and then whichever songs you like on there, go out and buy those albums.
The ppl on the MetallicA site were a lot older than me and giving me shit
yeah, i got banned from that room for some bullshit, a lot of the 'new' fans either left the room of also got banned after me, the admins there are assholes...they always censor that board, the shit you see posted there is not even half of what really is said there...most of that shit happens really late at night though, i guess thats when people like me get on and get banned!
Originally posted by Ron MOSH Earl

Actually, you guys are forgetting about "Looking Down the Barrel of a Gun".


I didn't forget, I really don't consider the beasties a rap group.
They got a flavor all there own! It's hard for me to categorize 'lookin' down the barrel of a gun" as a rap song. Too many rock elements.
Plus, unless you can find the old BEAVIS AND BUTTHEAD EXPIERIENCE cd I doubt you could find it.................
You should listen to those who said to get Return of the Killer A's.
That's what I'd recommend.
But, if you have an MP3 player, you can download some songs from Go there, click NOIZE, then click "Listen to tracks from each album."

Then you can find out what you want. Anthrax Rules!
Oh, and welcome to this board!!
This really is a friendly place for new fans - and doesn't it make sense that way? It sometimes seems lonely liking the kind of music that I like - unfortunately most of the people I've met in Detroit, nice as they are, are interesting in rap, hip hop, and pop females from Janet Jackson to Pink.

So I'm excited to run into fans of the stuff I like, even if they're really new fans! I'd like to think that years down the road I'm not picking on younger fans simply for being too young. That's discouraging about the Metallica site.

I haven't been a fan of any band since I was 7 years old...that was way too young of an age for me to appreciate music with any kind of complexity. I didn't really get started until the end of high school, when grunge was the big thing (and which I actually like very much). Since that time I've been slowing discovering music that is "new" to me, and every so often I'll come across a band that really excites me. The other night I got lucky and it was 2 bands, both Anthrax and JP.

I have been downloading the clips from and I like most of what I've heard so far. The older stuff seems really great - I like higher pitched vocalists. But the clip of Catharsis also made a really big impression on me, and I know I like the current vocalist from his performance last Tuesday.
Depends on which singer you like and what style of Metal. If you really like "old School" metal, pick up among the living, and persitance of time. For the newer stuff, Sound of White Noise Is the shit! I am just happy to find people who are into the bands I like, so new fans or old I am happy to give my opinion.
Vocally, Catharsis is probably my favorite anthrax song. John's vocals are so intense, it makes your throat hurt just listening. NOBODY can sing like this, period. It's on Volume 8, definitely check it out.
yeah, a lot of the fans there are really uptight, its a lot better then it used to be though....i finally got passed the ban thingy they did and im back, i think i finally made peace with fixxxer (the admin that banned me) i think a lot of the older asshole fans left....i post there sometimes....KozmicMaster, if you were wondering
Hopefully I'm not repeating myself (I just posted but the browser crashed...) Anyway, I went to media play thinking i was going to have a hard time deciding which of all the anthrax cds i wanted to buy, but they only had 3. The Killer A's, Sound of White Noise (which someone is going to lend me), and Stomp 442. So I bought Stomp 442. I have to listen to it a few more times before i can really digest it all, but so far I think it's incredible. Very powerful. And, no bad songs...after 2 listens I haven't had the urge to skip any of the tracks. Which is a good sign i'm really going to like this band. To think i almost didnt go to that show...i'd really be missing out!
Killer A's would be a good choice to get the full range of Anthrax from Belladonna to Bush. You HAVE to hear the song "Indians" off "Among The Living." It's on the Killer A's album.
