Some questions from a new fan

Kyra, if your still interested here are the songs they played in Detroit and what albums they're from.
Among the Living and Caught in a Mosh...Among the Living
Antisocial...State of Euphoria
Bring the Noise...Attack of the Killer B's
Got the Time...Persistence of Time
Room for One More and Only...Sound of White Noise
Fueled...Stomp 442
Inside Out...Vol. 8 (The threat is real)
Superhero...Not released yet but can be downloaded as a mp3
Stomp 442 is one of my least favorite Anthrax albums. Don't get me wrong, it is still one of my favorite (any anthrax cd is 'one of my favorites'). Fueled is one of my favorite songs, though.
But I listen to Stomp 442 the least.

You should try to get Return of the Killer A's. It's not an old record, so some places may carry it.

If you got the Expanded Edition, which you must have, you can listen to Grunt and Click (another one of my favorite songs).
Enjoy! Let us know what you think.
I did get the expanded cd...Grunt and Click is great! I remembered Fueled from the concert...that song really gets me going. The more I listen to the whole album, the more I like it. Which is why I'm not going to go out and buy Return of the Killer A's. If I like every track on Stomp 442, and I like what I've heard at the concert, and the tracks from Among the Living I've heard...and the clips from just doesn't make sense to buy a best of album. I just might wind up getting all the anthrax albums, so why would I need it? I don't have any of the best of albums from even my favorite band.

I have heard Indians and agree that it's a great song. I love the vocal performance on that one. Love it.

Thanks for the posting of the Detroit setlist...they put on such a great performance and I really wanted to know more about what I heard.

Does Anthrax plan on remastering any of their older albums (with or w/out bonus tracks)?
I did get the expanded cd...Grunt and Click is great! I remembered Fueled from the concert...that song really gets me going. The more I listen to the whole album, the more I like it. Which is why I'm not going to go out and buy Return of the Killer A's. If I like every track on Stomp 442, and I like what I've heard at the concert, and the tracks from Among the Living I've heard...and the clips from just doesn't make sense to buy a best of album. I just might wind up getting all the anthrax albums, so why would I need it? I don't have any of the best of albums from even my favorite band.

I have heard Indians and agree that it's a great song. I love the vocal performance on that one. Love it.

Thanks for the posting of the Detroit setlist...they put on such a great performance and I really wanted to know more about what I heard.

Does Anthrax plan on remastering any of their older albums (with or w/out bonus tracks)?
I don't think they are planning on re-releasing their older stuff. I think they are trying to re-release Vol. 8, but are having problems.
I suggest you look for Persistence of Time next. It is GREAT!
Glad to hear you're getting into it!!
You were right in your first post, that you'll get as many opinions as there are people posting regularly. However, if you liked what you saw in concert, and are interested in being a fan of the band today, get the newer stuff first.

If you get old Joey stuff and really dig it, you'll be bummed that you never get to see him singing. Volume 8 (if you can find it) is the most recent studio album, and most representative of the band today. If you like that album (which I give my personal guarantee that you will), then chances are you'll also like the new album when it comes out this summer, and you'll be a full-blodded Anthrax fan.

Stomp is a great album, but IMO Sound of White Noise and Volume 8 are better. Regardless of personal choices, if you like Stomp, you'll like the other two. The same can't necessarily be said for the pre-John's still great music, but it is different than the Anthrax you saw in concert.

Cheers to a new fan!
Well, I think I've already decided that I like Joey better as a vocalist, based on what I've heard so far. I'd like to get the Joey cds if only because I appreciate that kind of singing. It is definitely too bad that I won't get to see him live. But I think John Bush is a good singer, he's intense, and I definitely like him live, so I'm not devastated.

I think it's easier for me as well because I didn't know what to expect...i didn't start listening to the band from the beginning and get attached to a singer or even a style. As a new fan of several bands, it's easier for me to look into the whole collection without trying to fit their new stuff into a certain mold of expectations created by the old.

I have a questions that's probably stupid...if Volume 8 is their latest studio album, why is it hard to find? Usually it's old stuff I have a problem finding, at least in stores.

I'm looking forward to the new album based on superhero...i think it'll be good and i definitely look forward to another show!
Volume 8 is hard to find because Ignition Records is dead, if I'm not mistaken.
Anthrax has had bad luck with their labels.