some rumors about the new metallica albumn answered

deathstrike from hell

Deathstrike lambtron
Aug 12, 2002
u guys will find this funny. upon hanging out in a bar after a practice, kirk was approached by a kid wearing a meshuggah tshirt. i guess the kid asked him if he ever heard them, and kirk replied no. the kid pulled out his cd player and let kirk listen. kirk then told the kid thats exactly what their next alblumn is shaping up to sound like. hahahaha
but anyways, kirk is now the biggest meshuggah fan now. im confident they could pull it off, with the exception of lars.
and the rumor of mustaine co writing a song for the albumn isnt true. sorry megadeth fans.
metallica going mallcore? havent heard that before.........cough cough..... load ....reload........
metallica is probably using simialar guitar tunings as meshuggah, Tallica can get as heavy as they want, that will not help.What made them great was the speed.\m/metal militia\m/

I just listened to Fight fire with fire and ride the lightning, I am DYING to hear nevermores cover.
What a bunch of fucking losers... Even if they tried their best to make a "heavy" album, the heaviest they'll ever be is like Bon Jovi.

o well bob rock produced black album,and whether some of you evil metalheads like it or not,it's one of the greatest rock/metal albums of all time..
Although I consider myself an "evil metalhead", I wouldn't say Black Album totally sux. I'd probably give it a 5.5/10. It was one of the first metal albums I purchased but later when I got Metallica's older stuff, it sounded ridiculous. They softened up a whole lot and where the hell did those cool riffs go? I dunno, I guess when you have nothing to compare it to, the Black Album sounds kinda ok...

HEY, I assumed that by "evil metalhead" he meant those who like brutal stuff... So why the fuck are you laughing at me? :(

SINISTER RAPES YOU ALL sounded hella made it in ""-things, i was not laughing about you but abou evil metalhead...sorry...i could ahve also laughed about it when dragonlord said it..
Originally posted by lizard
yup, Rock has produced some heavy music but mostly pop metal, it makes you wonder how much influence he'll have on them, I don't really care personally but it's a question that occurs to me, especially now with Hetfield all sober and all.

hes had huge influenece on them since black/load/reload. its extremely apparent(as i'm sure you can all tell), and i don't see it changing much.
maybe metallica feel like heavier stuff(IE: meshuggah, but thats a laugh...they won't be that heavy), bob rock will just radio it up/simplify it and it will be rockish riffs hella distorted.