Some shameless self promotion! Remix content!

Sep 20, 2005
I don't know if anyone else on here is very into this kind of thing but I have a lot of fun making remixes and I found this cool website which has a lot of remix contests, so I'm entering this one hoping to win a membership to the site! So, if you have a minute check out my Seether remix and if you like I could use the votes! Also I recommend the website to anyone who likes remix contests! I promise they didn't pay me to say this haha.

Thanks! Mix comments welcome also!
Hey man, I like doing remixes as well, however I've been doing it on actual releases and no separate stems so it's sometimes kind of hard work if you need to try and remove an element from the mix like drums or so... But I assume you were provided with the stems on this one, right? That's probably what that site is about anyways.

The genre that you went for is a genre that's been growing all the time recently, I was going to say that I missed power and harshness to the sounds in your remix but then again if you were going for the more traditional and original type of dubstep then aggression probably wasn't what you were aiming for. I'm however, going to say that I felt the piece could have used stronger athmospheres, more layers and different kinds of sounds. It was a bit too much about the wobble, which again, could have had more presence and been more aggressive but that's all subjective.

Oh and voted for you as well
Hey! I appreciate the feedback. Honestly the things you pointed out stem from a lack of experience with the genre. I only really started doing it recently and criticism like that really helps. thanks again! I'd love to make it more aggressive honestly, but I haven't figured out how to make it punch right yet.

And yes, the site provides you with stems, although sometimes you basically end up using it as an accapella anyway. I did chop up the guitars and drums and use them for this song though.