Some sludge/postmetal/metal/callitwantyouwant tunes


New Metal Member
Jul 16, 2014
Hi guys!

I'm David from Mallorca. I'm posting a couple of songs of my solo project to have some feedback from you. Any suggestions will be appreciated. I know that my voice is a little bit buried between the wall of sound, that's because I don't really like my vocals and I don't want it to be too prominent. I want it to be like another element of the songs, not the most important. :dopey:

The guitars are recorded with a Telecaster through a Kemper (H&K Statesman profile boosted with a tubescreamer). Bass done with same profile as well. Drums are Superior Drummer 2.0 and vocals are recorded through a Bluebird mic from Blue microphones.

Cheers mates
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Well we need to hear the lyrics to cache your message :). Don't be afraid to bring vocals 'in front' your singing, as much as I can hear , it's sounds OK.Music is good like the vibe and mix's are decent.