Some sushi and a conversation with a Christian


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
An excerpt from this evening....

JK: Well, look on the bright side, Bush can't be re-elected.
Christian: I voted for Bush.
JK: You did? What for?
C: I believe in him.
JK: So you think the country is better off now than before?
C: Yes I do.
JK: Where do you see the improvement?
C: We are starting to remember our moral values, and that they are more important than anything else.
JK: I take it you're a Christian.
C: Oh yes.
JK: So you based your vote on religion.
C: Not entirely.
JK: Well, what was the biggest selling point for Bush?
C: I know him.
JK: You know him personally?
C: Never met him. But I know his beliefs, therefore I know him, the man.
JK: He's a politician. He could have just said whatever he wanted to win the vote.
C: I don't believe that.
JK: Well, had Kerry been a 'stronger' Christian than Bush, would you have voted for Kerry?
C: Probably.
JK: So you did base your vote on your religous belief?
C: Not entirely.
JK: Well, what else was there for fucks sake?
C: The war in Iraq. Thank god Bush had the balls to get them before any real damage could be done. Imagine another 9/11.
JK: Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Bush had an agenda to go into Iraq before 9/11. Bush will NEVER attack North Korea or Iran for that matter.
C: You're believing the liberal media.
JK: Well, no. Even Fox News will tell us that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and that North Korea is a bigger threat.
C: Fox News is liberal media.
JK: What? What then is conservative media?
C: DayStar TV.
JK: What's that?
C: Well, we can't send missionaries everywhere anymore so the TV can come to you.
JK: It's a Christian tv station?
C: Yes.
JK: Ugh, so anyway, Iraq was fucked up - no WMDs remember?
C: Yes but those people are free.
JK: It doesn't matter - it was an illegal invasion. It would be less hypocritical if we started to invade other dictator-led countries like North Korea, but we won't. No oil there either conveniently enough.
C: If three people are doing wrong, and you can only stop one, then stopping the one is better than stopping none.
JK: You realize that you're just wanting to believe in anything that suits your needs. I assume your parents are Christians?
C: Yes, now they are. I converted them after we left Korea.
JK: Why did you convert them?
C: I must preach the gospel.
JK: Why? Not everyone wants to hear this.
C: We are all sinners. There is no such thing as a non-sinner, other than Jesus. Christianity is just the gateway to heaven.
JK: OK so gays are evil, right?
C: No, they've just made the wrong choice.
JK: People don't choose to be gay, I thought we all knew that.
C: There is no proof to show they're born like that.
JK: It doesn't matter. What they do in their own lives has nothing to do with you.
C: Yes it does. We are witnessing the crumbling of our moral values in our society and family structure.
JK: There have always been gay people. Now they're just coming out of the closet.
C: No, society tells us that being gay is normal, so people use it as an option.
JK: I suppose you think abortion is wrong too?
C: Yes of course.
JK: What if the child was conceived through rape?
C: It's still a human life.
JK: What if it had no arms, legs, and deaf, dumb, and blind?
C: It's not up to you to decide whether he/she lives or not.

And this went on and on and on....until:

JK: If you cannot see it, it does not exist.
C: Don't be ridiculous. You can't see the North Pole, how do you know it exists.
JK: I've seen pictures. And I've seen it on the TV. Can you give me a picture of Jesus?
C: I don't need pictures. I have my faith.

Blah blah blah....circular argument continues.

Look, if I had to sit through this then so should you. :p

(This is someone I work with. He is a 30-something Korean born again from Houston, TX. I don't think I've had a conversation like this in over 10 years. I guess these people still do exist out in the boonies).

Anyway, this is the profile of a Bush supporter who puts moral values higher than anything else. These are the people now running the country.
Fascinating look at what I thought was just a myth. I wasn't aware they came that daft other than Bush.
It's certainly been a long time since I encountered someone like that, I used to jump at the chance to debate politics/religion with the devout but I've chosen to leave them be because nothing will come out of the discussion, except my further frustration.

Anyhow, why is Bush the moral leader? Since when did morality mean being an aggressive prick who jumps to conclusions? Even under the assumption that the be all end all of morality stems from the teachings of Jesus, isn't forgiveness the ultimate moral gesture? As in acknowledging that people sin, and telling them it's okay, because they're only human? Which part of this involves leveling an entire country?

Oh yeah, how was the sushi? :cool:
The scariest part is, Christianity is on the rise. That means that America can NEVER have an aetheist President. Or any form of non-Christian for that matter. So basically, if you're running for President of the USA, and you don't wear your Christian beliefs on your sleeve, you have zero chance of winning. The USA is indeed a Christian country (by majority rule) don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

As non-religous people evolve into more tolerant human beings, fascinated by the discovery of scientific facts, religous folk regress and become more radical. Hence red states being the equivalent of the Taliban, and of course in their eyes, the blue states are full of decadence and sin.

For that reason alone, I will NEVER live in a red state, on principle alone. If lived in a red state, I would move to a blue state (if I couldn't leave the US altogether).
The sushi was arse pie too. Fucking Florida and it's $2 sushi rolls. :yuk: I'm going to expense it for fucks sake, give me something decent you smelly nip.
I say lie to them about beliefs, then start rearranging shit once in office. By the time you're impeached, the damage is irreversible. :)
How is Red Florida by the way? :D

Do you know that American Christians are feeling threatened now? I've talked to some that think Christians will be in the same boat black Americans were in the 1960's. I'm not making this up, honest. I was shocked by that.

As usual, people can believe what they want, I'm no closer to knowing the truth than they are. I don't know why some people treat faith as fact, but then again those people claim they talk to god on a daily basis. *makes cuckoo motion*
JayKeeley said:
The sushi was arse pie too. Fucking Florida and it's $2 sushi rolls. :yuk: I'm going to expense it for fucks sake, give me something decent you smelly nip.
That's bullshit, there is enough ocean there to leave no excuse for poor seafood. Best seafood I've had was in San Francisco.
One Inch Man said:
That's bullshit, there is enough ocean there to leave no excuse for poor seafood. Best seafood I've had was in San Francisco.
Yeah but look at the customers. There are streams of people here waiting in line to die, so on the way they want to eat some cheap buffet style sushi.

Florida = old people about to die, and hispanic people wanting to start a new life.

You know what's really funny in Florida? Regular TV stations like CBS etc broadcast about 25% of their commercials in Spanish. Fucking hell, this is what happens when the British relinquish their supreme majestic rule. You end up with spicks, old jews, and Christians eating $2 sushi rolls.
Dude if you went to buffet sushi you deserve to eat shit quality. :ill:
JayKeeley said:
Fucking hell, this is what happens when the British relinquish their supreme majestic rule. You end up with spicks, old jews, and Christians eating $2 sushi rolls.
:lol: Fucking classic.
you should find out WHY this guy is a born again ... from my experiences, most of them are hypocrites.
i personally know this old friend of mine that was literally a whore and slept with pretty much every guy she met... WHILE ... she was with her boyfriend at the same time ... this was about 10 years ago.

Now about 2 years ago ... she found God ... and every time she sees me or our friends she tries to preach the Gospel and tries to convert us. She even went so far as to say that a girl I have never met has mentioned my name and dreamt about me ... now most of you know my name is Aurel ... not John or Jim ... so people don't just have dreams about my name ... upon further pressing ... she confessed that she MIGHT HAVE mentioned my name to her .... so this girl wanted to meet me as I was "calling" her ... where was I supposed to meet her you ask? ... that's right ... in their church at a Friday night service.

I flat out asked my friend ... if her friend was hot and will she put out? .. .after some silence the subject was dropped :loco:

Anyway ... stay away from these people. OR dig up some dirt on them ... they are BORN AGAIN for a reason
Bushy was a boozer coke head, isn't that why he become born again?

Most reborners I've come in contact with were due to their parents. This one bitch I dated shortly after high school was born again and didn't drink, smoke, etc. (no blowjobs either :Smug: ) was that way because her parents were wild in their younger days and had to repent, I guess. I always thought "yeah see, you're parents had fun, but you killed off any chance at life before even living!"
hahaha ... i have a similar story ... this one chick that is chasing after me .. she is Peruvian ... cute chick ... but will not give up the booty for shit ... and get this ... she is from a family of like 12 brothers and sisters ... her mother died a few years ago ... dad, at 81 ... remaried .. a 29 year old.

And get this ... daddy is haing another kid.
So this chick I know is now older than her mom.

So anyway ... I have no idea why she is not giving up the booty .. her family is like a bang factory :D
haha bang factory.

It's funny because I could probably tolerate some bint's weird religious beliefs if they at least gave up the poon. :loco:

I also decided that blowjobs are the key to successful relationships. Anytime a woman complains that her husband doesn't do this, blah blah whatever, only one question needs to be asked: "do you give him head every day?" if no, that's the problem. If yes, well then he's just an asshole. Deal with it or tell him to take a hike. [/Dr. Phil]

It feels right posting this here.