Some thoughts, some feelings...


New Metal Member
Sep 16, 2009
Hi all...
I am a guy from Hong Kong.
Because English is not my first language and my English is actually poor, so I am very sorry if you think my grammar and words are laughable or hard to understand.

I am a fan of Katatonia for almost 5 years.
The reason why I like Katatonia is that there is something I cannot understand but attractive in their music. It is so hard to explain why I like them but I can get some feelings that cannot be obtained in my daily life.

Okay, what I really want to say is I want to commit suicide...... maybe it sounds silly.
My life is a mess now, and I cannot see any hope in the future.
I am nothing...... and it is so hard to find a person who is useless and feeble like me.
I am surrounded by darkness anytime.... and feel very depressive:rolleyes:

But, I cannot kill myself right now...... because of the upcoming new album of Katatonia. I must wait for it.
Be true, I desire to listen the new katatonia stuff very much in these two years since TGCD was released.
Night is the new day becomes the only reason why I am still living......

I hope Night is the new day is a great album and can touch my heart as a perfect full stop for my life......
Good thing katatonia has postponed the album for so long, then. :)

Thats good. But if you want to continue living, you'd better see a doctor or psychologist and talk about it, rather than putting all your hope on an album.

Music is great, but getting help from people is probably (even) better.
i know that all can seem black and you cant find reasons to keep on living.
that's called depression, for the small info i got from you, you're searching for help writing here your mood.
we cant help you on a forum but you can contact a professional, as a psychologist or psychiatrist....they can really help you!
psychologist are fucking scammers....they will drug you the fuck out, tell you a bunch of shit and collect a paycheck! the only thing i can say is to do personal research on yourself and lighten up....look for things that make you laugh!
There was another Katatonia forum member who killed himself a few years ago. It was a really sad day for some users here....

^It was Joy of Grief iirc. It was really awful, i felt terrible for that guy.

Also, link121, maybe you should express why you feel worthless and inferior to others, because if you do that, the people here could help you in a way or another, giving you advices and showing new ways to you.

My advices:

Professional help wouldn't hurt, yeah they will prescribe drugs to you but what else can be done if, for example, your brain isn't chemically well-balanced? I know that some psychiatrists can be greedy pricks but the fact that they are profitting from you just means they are getting paid for their job, which is completely logical. Keep in mind that psychiatrists aren't friends, they are professionals, so there is nothing wrong in finding one who is actually qualified enough to fulfill your needs.

Try to find hobbies (jogging and moderate videogame playing are totally different things, but both are really really good for depression), stay close to your family and friends, practice sports, try to laugh as much as you can, don't take yourself or Katatonia so seriously (it's just a rock band), hit on girls without shame (after the first attempt all the shame will be gone ;)), go to dance clubs, etc. Narrow mindness is last thing you need right now...

Saying that you are waiting for a music album before you kill yourself sounds like you're fooling yourself (no offence intended).

Also, link121, maybe you should express why you feel worthless and inferior to others, because if you do that, the people here could help you in a way or another, giving you advices and showing new ways to you...

Much good advice there. You're right about needing more information. I'd like to try to help but he hasn't been back yet.
psychologist are fucking scammers....they will drug you the fuck out, tell you a bunch of shit and collect a paycheck! the only thing i can say is to do personal research on yourself and lighten up....look for things that make you laugh!

psychologist cannot prescrive drugs at all, and they are not so well paid as you may think.

so before putting shxt on professional jobs, think twice.
psychologist cannot prescrive drugs at all, and they are not so well paid as you may think.

so before putting shxt on professional jobs, think twice.

But psychiatrists can.

Anyways, you need help, man.
Hi all...
I am a guy from Hong Kong.
Because English is not my first language and my English is actually poor, so I am very sorry if you think my grammar and words are laughable or hard to understand.

I am a fan of Katatonia for almost 5 years.
The reason why I like Katatonia is that there is something I cannot understand but attractive in their music. It is so hard to explain why I like them but I can get some feelings that cannot be obtained in my daily life.

Okay, what I really want to say is I want to commit suicide...... maybe it sounds silly.
My life is a mess now, and I cannot see any hope in the future.
I am nothing...... and it is so hard to find a person who is useless and feeble like me.
I am surrounded by darkness anytime.... and feel very depressive:rolleyes:

But, I cannot kill myself right now...... because of the upcoming new album of Katatonia. I must wait for it.
Be true, I desire to listen the new katatonia stuff very much in these two years since TGCD was released.
Night is the new day becomes the only reason why I am still living......

I hope Night is the new day is a great album and can touch my heart as a perfect full stop for my life......

I have been through this. I have wanted to die, and have almost successfully ended my life a few times, but I have gotten over it.
Your depression is not who you are, it is a product of certain things in your life that are either circumstantial or chemical.

There are many things that can help, as many forum members here have described above.

MY personal recommendation is:
a.) If you have been depressed for a prolonged period of time, get on anti-depressants. There is nothing wrong with giving your fucked up brain a little kick in the butt to get those neurotransmitters, dopomine, and seratonin running properly (those are the things in your brain which elicits contentment, happiness etc)
I am personally on Welbutrin and it has worked wonders. Takes the edge off, gives me more energy and I still feel like myself!

b.) Make active and productive changes in your lifestyle. If you feel stagnant, depressed, hopeless, helpless, and stuck, picking up some healthy hobbies (or eliminating unhealthy ones) can really make a difference. i.e. jogging, cooking, socializing, outdoor adventures, vacations, etc.

c.) Try not to spend too much time alone. Isolation only makes depression worse, because it gives your brain time to convince you of its irrational predicament. Keyword IRRATIONAL!!

and D.) Keep in mind these things work usually over several weeks or months. DONT PANIC. You'll be fine. The worse part about depression is that it produces a "why bother" attitude. You're mind will say "I'm depressed, I've always been depressioned, therefore I always WILL BE depressed. NOTHING WILL CHANGE! FUCK IT ALL!"
This is simply your irrational brain sending you thought messages based on neurotransmitter imbalances.

One thing about overcoming depression is that it takes will power. You need to be strong, and adamant about changing your life. That is not easy to do when one is in the depths of despair. But it is the only option.

Hope some of this helped. I am, of course, writing these suggestions based off of my own experience (and I have one hell of an experience) and realize that your case might be completely different.

Seriously though dude, the easiest thing to do is get on meds. That's the first step.

Best wishes
I think it can be related to his financial situation, or family problem, break up with someone he loves, jobless, or anything like that... so giving a particular solution isn't that helpful imo, but dude, the only thing i can tell you is ask yourself this question :" Do I really deserve death?"