Somebody do a PODxt recording tutorial

Maybe post a quick sample of your sound dude? And the steps I outlined are literally all I do to get the sound I use...

tomorrow i´ll post my pod sound with your preset because i´m not at my home now...

i connect podx3 only to usb-pc, i create preset with your settings and play my guitar...and when i have recorded sound in my pc, sound is...weak...
your sound is fat, force...:(

pod have two volumes, tone volumen and master, it could be for that reason?

thanks Scissors61
Ahh fair enough dude. Tbh, I don't think the volume really makes a gigantic difference, only maybe as far as noise goes. I'll check back tomoz when you post a sample and see if I can give you any more help mate!

now, i haven´t my guitar at home but i have a record test with another preset it has the same problem:

first, guitars without force and mainly stuck guitar sound...:(:(
i love guitar force in your "Fourth song" record. sound powerful, hard, great volume...i want to get that sound in my tones...i think that it is my mainly my link, i like my tone guitar but it hasn´t force, powerful...very stuck sound...

some help?
Here are a very simple way to get a nice pod xt tone:

Use the diomand amp modell with the condenser mic and 40% room.
EQ settings on the the pot from left to right:

Output: 50%
Drive: 75% (depends on the guitar you are using. I have emg 81 so I dont need so much gain)
Bass: 50%
Middle: 100%
treble: 50%
Presence: 80%
Chan vol: 50%
no reverb

Than I use the stomp modell: screamer
drive: 29%
gain: 80%
tone: 70%

So guys this is no modulation of any amp. this sounds just a good hardcore/metalcore/modern metal amp.

The mids are very importent. turn them out is no problem with any EQ but turn them in sounds terrible.
You gonna record 4 takes not one. So make shure your sound is nice with 4 takes and not with just plugin your guitar in

best regards
Here are a very simple way to get a nice pod xt tone:

Use the diomand amp modell with the condenser mic and 40% room.
EQ settings on the the pot from left to right:

Output: 50%
Drive: 75% (depends on the guitar you are using. I have emg 81 so I dont need so much gain)
Bass: 50%
Middle: 100%
treble: 50%
Presence: 80%
Chan vol: 50%
no reverb

Than I use the stomp modell: screamer
drive: 29%
gain: 80%
tone: 70%

So guys this is no modulation of any amp. this sounds just a good hardcore/metalcore/modern metal amp.

The mids are very importent. turn them out is no problem with any EQ but turn them in sounds terrible.
You gonna record 4 takes not one. So make shure your sound is nice with 4 takes and not with just plugin your guitar in

best regards

what cab model do you use? 4x12 treadplate?
and my pod have two control volumes: tone volume and master volume. you refer to Output 50% (master volume) and Chan Vol 50% (tone volume), is that ok?
it isn´t 50% a little master and tone volume???
you don´t use pod EQ settings??

and, do you record with usb method (only usb to pc)????

how do you get that bass tone????i like it.;)
do you use ampeg svx????? could you share your bass patch?

i have LTD EC-404 and i want to get that bass sound.;)

info please,
yeah I´m using the trateplate or what it calls.
I wrote the eq settings in my post as also the output and chan vol.

hope this helps

and i record just with left output in the usb interface
Sansamp Bass Driver DI.
Blend: 100%
Bass: 50%
Treble: 50%
Presence: 50%
Drive: 60%

On PODx3 you can get a decent tone just trowing the Rock Classic, Studio or Sub Dub amp model without change any settings, cabs, mics or fx.

thank you for you info. I'm also trying to get a good bass tone with PODxt (bass pack included).
Sansamp Bass Driver DI.
Blend: 100%
Bass: 50%
Treble: 50%
Presence: 50%
Drive: 60%

On PODx3 you can get a decent tone just trowing the Rock Classic, Studio or Sub Dub amp model without change any settings, cabs, mics or fx.

i choose those amps and some cab, and nothing more?

narcossintese, Scissors61:

another quick record test:

the same...sound without force and a bit distant...why? i want similar tone but with force, powerful...
Eternally Gutted, dude the first clip you posted sounded awesome, in my opinion far better than the second. I honestly think the guitar tone sounds sweet. Although I'd probably turn the guitars down in the mix ever so slighty...
Eternally Gutted, dude the first clip you posted sounded awesome, in my opinion far better than the second. I honestly think the guitar tone sounds sweet. Although I'd probably turn the guitars down in the mix ever so slighty...

i like guitar tone in my first clip but sound isn´t hard, it´s a bit compressed, i don´t know the reason.:( i see a lot tests in this forum with pod x3 and sound is hard and powerful independent of the tone.
i connect guitar to pod, pod to pc by usb. volumes? tone and master? how i put those?
i´m a little desperate...

i need some help,
this is my first clip preset, please, you record some quick test, ok? and i´ll see the difference.

my pod tone: