Someone explaine.

Dec 13, 2001
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MONTREAL, QUEBEC – Stock markets plunged, riots broke out in nearly every major city, and pandemonium raged across most of the United States this week as the nation, already on edge since September 11, learned that Canadian death metal veterans Kataklysm refused to embark on further American tours, citing poor treatment of bands at the hands of clubs and promoters.

"I’m sorry to have caused so much distress and upheaval in the U.S.," commented vocalist Maurizio Iacono from his home in Toronto. "However, I can’t help but point out that maybe now people will know what we’ve suffered through. The United States created this situation, one cancelled guarantee, one missed meal buyout, and one inadequate sound system at a time. We have to take a stand here."

President Bush, who has declared a state of martial law and given the National Guard orders to shoot looters on sight, has appealed to Kataklysm to change their minds. "For too long, this nation has turned a blind eye to the needs of touring death metal bands, and for that, we are all, as a nation, ever so sorry," he said in a speech taped at an undisclosed Air Force bunker and broadcast via television and radio to the few remaining areas of the country with power. "I pledge today, however, that this will change, and we all will pull together and support the scene. But please, for the sake of all that is brutal and hyperblasting, end this boycott and bring peace to our land."

Attorney General John Ashcroft has asked the surviving members of Congress to approve emergency legislation allowing the FBI to detain without trial music journalists, webzine editors, and even citizens who post on message boards, if their comments "arouse the wrath of Kataklysm and further inflame this deteriorating situation." "We’re in a crisis that jeopardizes the very future of this great nation," Ashcroft commented, "and the last thing we need is some rabble-rousing metal reviewer claiming the band’s best days are behind them, ranking them out for that shitty hardcore record [1998’s Victims of This Fallen World] they did, or calling them a bunch of whiners for griping about the touring conditions every band has to deal with in this country. If anyone pulls that, they might never change their minds, and our nation could be lost."

When a reporter asked if the government would limit the free speech of writers comparing the band unfavorably to Cryptopsy, Ashcroft paled visibly and pressed a red button on his podium. Seconds later, armed guards burst into the room and dragged the reporter away. His whereabouts remain unknown.

President Bush’s advisors have drafted an emergency plan which calls for the mandatory purchase of Kataklysm’s newest CD, Epic: The Poetry of War, by every adult U.S. citizen. In addition, the Coast Guard is being mobilized to ferry hundreds of Americans to Canada to stand in Iacono’s front yard and sing "We love you Kataklysm, oh yes we do" in an effort to change the bandleader’s mind. Outgoing New York City mayor Rudolph Giuliani has promised the use of Yankee Stadium, "any day, any time," for Kataklysm’s first concert back on US soil.

"Underground, anti-mainstream music and musicians have a long, proud history of being accepted and embraced by this country," Giuliani said, touring a partially bombed-out elementary school where the remaining children were hard at work painting a giant "PLEASE COME BACK KATAKLYSM" banner to send to Canada. "Unfortunately, with this fine band, we slipped up somewhere, and now our country is paying the price. I just hope that in our lifetimes, we can see a return to normalcy in New York and in this great nation, that death metal bands can once again criss-cross these United States in broke-dick vans and RV’s, playing in front of 75 people a night and eking out a malnourished living off of T-shirt sales. For the sake of these children, I pray to God it happens."

The Office of Homeland Security has denied reports that Withered Earth, Epoch of Unlight, and Prosthetic Cunt have threatened to join the boycott, calling such information "mere scare tactics designed to frighten our already suffering people."

What's all this about?
Although this boycott has caused complete anarchy in my city, I was able to loot a bunch of CD's from the record warehouse, all of the Kataklysm CD's had been looted first though, so I got pissed off and started shooting people up. The Canadian military just arrived in my city, they are about to declare war on us, PLEASE COME BACK TO THE US KATAKLYSM!
Yeah, San Diego was in flames....I managed to pick off most of the looters from my window, so we weren't really threatened, but man, it was scary!
Yeah man... in all the confusion and chaos I didn't even notice that I raped a nun.... did I say too much?
im afraid these are my last words. im sitting here at the computer bleeding from my head because i just got shot through my window. everything is getting blurry. why kataklysm?
Originally posted by Demonspell
This just in...Kataklysm will be touring the US as the opening act on a package bill with Kreator, Katatonia, Kamelot, and The Kovenant, on waht is being billed the C-Minus tour.


thanks, that is the first time I have laughed since the riots broke out in Nashville....well except for that time I hit an old lady in the head with a stolen lawn gnome.