Someone Help With My DI's

The Arrow

New Metal Member
Oct 11, 2009
Hello Guys, could someone help me reamp my DI guitar, for I want to know if is it my interface is a crap, or is it me a shitty engieer (I am). Here's a really little fragment of a song, about 30 seconds length. Could someone do something to it? Or just tell me what my problem is, because I just cant do anything to it, to sound clear (( DIs.rar
well, it's JAckson Kelly with EMG 81 into ART DIbox and into mic input of M-Audio Fast Track USB, then I just use TSS, TSE and KeFir with some Impulses, and EQ just to put it into mix, the most problem that the guitar sounds really muddy to me, I can upload some rough mix for you to listen...

quick test using my regular VST chain which is pretty much yours with multiband compression, "doubletracked" the lead and used a pitched version of R guitar as bass because, well, you had no bass track. Is this anything like what you wanted?
edit: Ok those are some super quiet rhythm guitars. You need to turn up your preamp gain or whatever a LOT. That should probably fix it because your rhythm waveforms are like 5 times smaller than they should be, and increasing the volume digitally will just amplify all the noise too. And yeah, you want a bass guitar in there too, will make it much thicker and fuller. Also snare and toms could use some 'verb. Did you record the DIs at 44khz/24bit?

So I tried to boost the volume a bit before running them through any sims and it sounds ok, gets pretty muddy though because of all the noise that gets boosted too, but your DI's should be fine if you set your preamp to an appropriate level. I got a little lazy with the bass since I couldn't bother finding the tempo and such, would be a lot less muddy if it was in sync with the guitars and playing the right notes