Someone please reccomend me some Ulver, Bathory, and Burzum

Sorath said:
Guardian of Darkness, You have heard Nattens Madrigal and still don't like Ulver? That sounds very strange in my ears.
I have a couple of songs from that album which didn't impress me. Give me one or two to download. Maybe I'll change my mind.
Burzum-Hvis Lyset Tar Oss (Det Som En Engang Var is one of the greatest black metal songs ever) but you wouldn't be doing a bad thing if you got the Det Som album first either (to clairfy the song Det Som... is on Hvis Lyset...)
Honestly everything Ulver does is pretty good, but Themes From Willaim Blake's Marraige of Heavan and Hell is a good starting point as it contains elements from most of Ulver's different works.