Something bothers me about my mixes


Jun 11, 2011
Could someone else's ears tell me what's wrong with this mix balance? I'm trying my mixes semi clean ala Sneap but there is always something lacking (besides tuning and playing skills lol), like too scooped and not aggresive, or interesting...

All my mixes end sounding like empty somewhere. Tell me what frequencies are I missing and which ones could need some cutting.
I can't give you specific frequencies, but I would lower the guitars a little for my taste, then look at my eq's. Personally I think you seperated the instruments to much. Try to blend them a little more if you know what I mean. For example don't use the steepest high cut filters if not needed etc, so the instruments "Mix" better, and don't "Seperate". I think you are on the right track. That's my 2 cents.
it sounds good in general but it's definitively missing some top end on cymbals and especially the guitars
work more the midrange of everything and the mixes will become more alive and be kind with the compressor settings and look at your LPF in the guitars, probably you cut too much.
I actually kinda dig the guitar tone. I'd say the mix is lacking in energy, especially with the kick drum and cymbals. You could maybe do a little more compression on the room mics for the drums to lift them up a bit. The tom fills sound good though.
This is a tough one, my mind went all over the place listening to it, and I tried plotting some stuff down that I would try to improve it

I'd work on getting a punchier kickdrum/snare combo going first. IMO the guitar tone drags it down alot, maybe you can make it work with eq-adjustments, I'd add both lowend and topend, but it's just that kinda guitar tone with no "bite" if you know what I mean.. Maybe you've put the HP filter on the guitars too high and lowering it could improve the bottom end of it. If not, maybe try exploring with some different tones! cymbals are kinda lacking some highend, which will definitely give them more presence and energy. I'd also say that the mix needs some more distortion in the lowend, sub part of the bass. Maybe a tiny increase in volume on treble part. Finally, I think you will be able to improve some of it on the mastering bus aswell, with some stereo enhancing and an exciter + post eq
i think you should use more subtractive approach instead of boosting the shit out of everything or am i wrong?