Something I thought I would never do


Violator of Sheep
Jan 21, 2003
Seattle/Tacoma (Browns Point), WA
I have recently discovered that there is an alternate tuning that I like.

I have always written songs in standard E tuning but recently, I have grown to love an alternate tuning and even tuned my guitar to it.

It's D with drop C.

Now, if I had a 7-string, I would just do a drop A. I'm scared to write songs in D + drop C because when I get a 7-string, I'm going to want to do a drop A.

I've been using D with dropped C for a while, guitar ain't set up for it but it stays within tune for a while, what would be cool if someone could od a guide on how to set up a floyd rose for alternate tunings.
I´m too lazy to retune, so I just play in E.... well, actually I´m also to lazy just to tune, so it´s probably not exactly E :p might be Eb by now :p