Something really annoying in cubase 5

I liked prior versions, where ANY new window you brought up un-maximized the project window. Was very useful and intuitive.

You're the first person telling me this :zombie: . I don't like it since I have to maximise it again each time I just want to change a setting in my vst instrument.
Why, whenever I press F11, the main window with all the tracks unmaximise? That's so fucking annoying.

press F11, right click somewhere in the instrument slots, choose "in the foreground" or something like this and
maximize the main window. the next time you press F11 the main window will stay maximized.
you can set this option also to the transport, mixer etc.

press F11, right click somewhere in the instrument slots, choose "in the foreground" or something like this and
maximize the main window. the next time you press F11 the main window will stay maximized.
you can set this option also to the transport, mixer etc.


Thanks! I'm gonna try it!

Could be sarcasm, on the other hand :)

I feel really stupid right now :)

thank the lord!!! this has to be my #1 pet peeve about cubase. it is so bloody annoying.
do you ever get pressing ctrl+Z and instead of undoing the previous action, it will blow up the track selected really large and make every other track as small as possible? this really pisses me off and I don't know why it does it. it's done it in all versions of cubase for me.
Haha, me too. I'm not part of the Cubase hating group but the 'Z' thing as default is retarded.
What are some shortcuts you guys like mapping for yourselves?

I started with the 'ProTools' template, but about 70% of the features are just missing or not mapped at all. I really dislike having to map my own keys.
Weird, yet another issue I have never had personally.

I have apple+shift+T to open Time Stretch, apple+shift+E to Export Audio Mixdown, shift+R toggles on/off the "Return to Start Position on Stop" and a few others for drum editing much like Lasse showed in his tutorial - even though I mostly do it manually as it's the best way for the sound IMO.
awesome tip soultrash, thanks alot!
it works in nuendo as well (always on top)

my solution previously was just to have the project window sized to near maximum - but not "maximized" if you get what i mean.

one of the shortcuts i use is mapping 'S' to toggle snap on/ well for me.
awesome tip soultrash, thanks alot!
it works in nuendo as well (always on top)

my solution previously was just to have the project window sized to near maximum - but not "maximized" if you get what i mean.

one of the shortcuts i use is mapping 'S' to toggle snap on/ well for me.

I think J already toggles snap by default, just for the record. F toggles the option to follow the cursor as it plays through tracks or not.

Two really good ones that are already set by default - zoom in and out is G and H.