Something that nees to be said about/to David Caswell

Till Fjalls

May 21, 2001
* Toronto *
Goddamn, I think Softly may be the best song I have ever heard! I can think of maybe one or two others (interestingly enough instrumental as well) that reach this level. I don't know what you are on, but I want some of that stuff! :lol: Seriously though, you have not only the gift of riff, but excellent composition skills as well, and I hope you can get a band together to perform your compositions (haven't head unthroned yet). My roomate loves the stuff as well, and he's not even into metal.

BTW, any new songs in the works?
wow! Well this has made my day! Its so undeserved though.. you people are way too kind. :)

i completely missed this thread at first, so much spam crap on this forum at the moment ive barely bothered even posting the last few days.. but i guess this one is worthy of a reply!! hehe

Goddamn, I think Softly may be the best song I have ever heard!
I am so very glad that you say these things about Softly, rather than like most people who say it about Forestall... because Softly is far more 'me', and the songs i have written recently are far closer to that style. In fact, the overall structure and feel of the eventual album can be represented by the song Softly. But its not perfect, there are many small changes (no structure or riff changes, just some 'perfections') i wish i'd made to that song, and that will be made in future, so its really good that you like it in its current form, the final version will hopefully be even better.

I hope you can get a band together to perform your compositions (haven't head unthroned yet).
My solo project really isnt made for performing, maybe way down the track ill think about it, but i really want to keep this as just me. I dont want to have band members to run things by or whatever, i REALLY DONT want to have other people who can have any influence on the writing of these songs, this project exists for me to express myself without limitation.
When it comes time to record i will get people to learn the stuff and play for me, and then that will be it... i dont want this to be a band because i want complete control over everything.

Unthroned is completely different.

My roomate loves the stuff as well, and he's not even into metal.
Indeed, ive recieved a lot of very good feedback from many people who arent into metal, which is a very good thing. But i guess thats coz my stuff isnt really metal...

BTW, any new songs in the works?
i have exams for the next 2 weeks. After that its time to record. I have 2 songs completely written that have been written for ages. And I probably have about 10 minutes worth of riffs that ive been playing around with for the past month or so, every few days i structure a few more together and keep playing around, eventually i assume that will turn into another song or two.

Im also in the process of writing a larger piece in the style of "Calm", a kind of classical piece that i have huge images for, very hopeless and dark and pained. But this will be a long and very complex song and will take months to write and perfect. And it may not eventuate.

As well as those there are a few tracks recorded for the album that you havent heard yet. Because unfortunately for you people i decided against uploading every single song as i recorded it, in the end i will be releasing an album, and this album wont be just a collection of songs, it will be a journey in itself, very carefully structured and songs carefully placed and edited if needed to achieve the desired effect in the overall journey. Hearing all songs one at a time will destroy this journey, in fact i feel that having heard Softly and Forestall so much the album will already be ruined in a way, broken apart in your mind when you eventually hear it, this is unfortunate but nothing i can do about it.

Yayogakk needs to release a new song everyday... Can't let pure genius go to WASTE.

I actually await his new songs as enthusiastically as I await opeth's new album.
hehehe :)

very kind words :)

He's been a big influence on me, and made me start my own recordings, which hopefully I will have up here ASAP.
One of the best things about all the responses i get to my music, is hearing how it has inspired others to get out there and put their best efforts in and believe in themselves.

What i do really isnt that amazing, there are many people on this board who are capable of the same things, they just havent had the right opportunities/inspiration yet, or dont realise it yet.

I shall eagerly await hearing your creations. :)
I have actually used your music as a huge guide, because I am recording in a similar way to you (using Cool Edit), so I find myself continuously looking to Forestall for help, heh. I just finished the song, and am sending a rough mix to a few friends to get some feedback, and will make adjustments on that, and it should hopefully be up on the board, as soon as accepts it.
By the way good luck on exams.
Can't wait for the song Morningrise..

Yayogakk, have you ever considered writing a longer single accoustic guitar peice? That'd be pretty amazing. Your song, Calm, reminds me of something Steve Howe would write for Yes...

oops.. I just reread you thread.. I got softly and calm confused.. Anyway, YES.. Write more calm style.. It is awesome..

Eventually, what I plan to do, is write accoustic peices with many very simple layers, using my skill at composing to put them together nicely...

My main holdback at the moment, is that I just can't get anything right. Everytime I record, I make some mistake, or imperfection, and the sound quality is never good enough.. But I'll get there eventually.
I didn't know that you played guitar Kush... One thing that helps me not make any mistakes is to just relax. I found that when I play I make used to make quite a few mistakes, but I was just so tense. It really helps to just ease up and not worry about recording, and just play it, then listen.
Well, I ahve to admit that one of those other songs I referred to was Forestall (I just didn't want to seem like an ass-kisser!). That song was just amazing the first 20 or so times I heard it.....Well, it still is. But I decided to D/L the rest of your tunes because of that. Softly wasn't that great at first, but after a number of listens, I began to pic out little subtleties that I hadn't noticed before (same way Still Life grew on me), and now I think it is a piece of art beyond Opeth, Vai, or just about any band I can think of. I am sure that certain sections of song from these bands can mean more to me, but on the whole, I honestly don't know If I've ever heard a song that is more complete. Keep it up, and don't let anyone influence you in any way! It's great to see music played as an art form that truly connects with the listener as opposed to a commercially influenced recording meant to sell...If you can keep it up, there is a great future ahead....
Originally posted by Morningrise
I didn't know that you played guitar Kush... One thing that helps me not make any mistakes is to just relax. I found that when I play I make used to make quite a few mistakes, but I was just so tense. It really helps to just ease up and not worry about recording, and just play it, then listen.

I wouldn't call what I do to a guitar "playing"....

I do a fair bit of guitar in some of the hammering moss songs. That's a good example of my level of expertise with the guitar. I've pretty much given it up though. I can't pay the guitar.

Where a normal person can hold a chord, or bar a fret, I can not, because my wrists don't bend properly. Some chords are simply impossible for me to hold. My coordination is too shit, and it doesn't work.
Originally posted by Till Fjalls
Well, I ahve to admit that one of those other songs I referred to was Forestall (I just didn't want to seem like an ass-kisser!). That song was just amazing the first 20 or so times I heard it.....Well, it still is. But I decided to D/L the rest of your tunes because of that. Softly wasn't that great at first, but after a number of listens, I began to pic out little subtleties that I hadn't noticed before (same way Still Life grew on me), and now I think it is a piece of art beyond Opeth, Vai, or just about any band I can think of. I am sure that certain sections of song from these bands can mean more to me, but on the whole, I honestly don't know If I've ever heard a song that is more complete. Keep it up, and don't let anyone influence you in any way! It's great to see music played as an art form that truly connects with the listener as opposed to a commercially influenced recording meant to sell...If you can keep it up, there is a great future ahead....
Softly does have a lot more hidden features, Forestall has some as well but softly seems to have more, to my ears anyway.

Forestall is perfected though, whereas Softly isnt. And i think for many that would be a bit more of a hurdle at first. But for me personally Forestall got old. Softly on the other hand i still love listening to. It seems to me that you are pretty much on the same page as me.. listening to my music for the same reasons i wrote it, and getting the same things from it that i do. Thats a good thing :)

To say im better than Opeth or Vai is completely undeserved but thanks all the same, these comments mean so much to me. :)

anyway, i really dont know how to react to such comments, its very flattering and its just hard for me to say anything. So a simple thankyou for the kind words. :)
I feel ashamed for not having got Softly yet. But I'm downloading it now. If it IS better than Forestall, I may explode.

I'd also like to jump on the bandwagon. YayoDave inspired me to start recording, and gave me a lot of help along the way. Then he also assured me that it wasn't totally crap. For this I thank him. :notworthy
Originally posted by rustymetal
I feel ashamed for not having got Softly yet. But I'm downloading it now. If it IS better than Forestall, I may explode.
Im pretty sure you'll think Forestall is far better.

I'd also like to jump on the bandwagon. YayoDave inspired me to start recording, and gave me a lot of help along the way. Then he also assured me that it wasn't totally crap. For this I thank him. :notworthy