Something that's been bugging me lately...


Aug 16, 2003
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I love Opeth's albums. I also love hearing them live. Both of the Opeth shows I've attended were phenomenal, and incredibly tight. However, I've been listening to lots of Opeth audio bootlegs, and I've been noticing more and more instances in which Opeth just doesn't put on a good show. It could just be the Blackwater Park and Deliverance tours in particular, but there are so many instances where they're out of tune, mess up, or just basically lack energy. Mike screams himself hoarse and sounds like he has strept throat. His voice cracks at least once a show while singing clean. I guess I should give Mike a break because of how hard it must be to growl, sing, and play, but some of the things I've heard are kinda disappointing.

The first Opeth show I saw was on the Damnation tour, the second on the Lamentations tour. Both were unbelievable, but I haven't heard any bootlegs from either tour, so I don't know whether or not they played as well on other dates. To conclude, I guess I just don't know whether or not their shows have gotten better, but, it does get kind of discouraging listening to the older shows.
The Opeth gig i attented was absoloutely amazing, i'll never forget that night. Everything sounded right to me, the solo's & all the vocals were spot on.

Mikael gets quite ill on some tours as i've read, maybe that could explain a lacking in performance.
Well, i too have noticed some imperfections in Opeths live performances from time to time, but i havent seen too many bands that dont have them....

in any case, i doubt you could play a flawless show either.

i saw opeth the first tour they ever did in the states, and it was quite good. they seemed a bit nervous, and more concentrating on the songs than actual energy and stage presence...but they played a lot of their attention demanding songs, so that may have had something to do with it.

conclusion: i think Opeth's live performance is fine, and in fact a lot better than most "metal" acts ive seen to be perfectly i think youre just nit picking a bit.
well, when you hear it on a bootleg, its probably a lot easier to pick out mistakes. being at a live show, everything is so loud, and you are so caught up in the just don't notice.
i have the bootleg from the montreal show which i attended january 17th 2003 and i noticed some 3 or 4 falses notes here and there in the whole show but when i saw the 2 others shows later they improved a lot but songs like the moor or the quiet part in blackwater park and even windowpane where a little slower... i also noticed he was singing a by the nose at some points on the heavy cleans parts like demon on the fall or master's apprentice.
i know they never practice before the show... i know that before blackwater park, they played few concerts.
Overall, I never saw a band with so much emotion live that's why opeth remains the band i enjoyed the most live.
Yea, they're lazy as hell, don't practice or anything, and put on a pretty amazing show despite this. I think they've gotten a lot better since some of the old bootlegs I've heard. I've also seen them twice, Damnation tour and Lamentations, and both were pretty good. I haven't seen many other metal bands (except Metallica, Ozzy, Cradle (dunno what I was thinking), and Woods of Ypres)... so I don't have much to compare to, but that Opeth concert was such an emotional ride.. it was great. The lack of stage presence doesn't bother me, I'm not there to see a fucking play or anything, I'm there for music.
well, when you hear it on a bootleg, its probably a lot easier to pick out mistakes. being at a live show, everything is so loud, and you are so caught up in the just don't notice.

Yeah, I think that's it.

I think that because Opeth's music is that much better than other metal bands there are that many more mistakes.

I don't think I'm nitpicking... I mean, do you think the band could sacrifice getting drunk a couple of nights and put on a tight show? The only thing that ever really bugs me is Mike's voice...
KennonKun said:
Yeah, I think that's it.

I think that because Opeth's music is that much better than other metal bands there are that many more mistakes.

I don't think I'm nitpicking... I mean, do you think the band could sacrifice getting drunk a couple of nights and put on a tight show? The only thing that ever really bugs me is Mike's voice...

That's weird, his voice never cracked at any of the shows I've been too. He sang fairly well from my experience.
An example would be The Drapery Falls 12/07/01 - The Shelter, Dublin, Ireland... I know that's sometimes inevitable, but it irritates me especially when the vocals performances usually aren't that good to begin with. I just wish they'd practice more.
Who cares, they're just bootlegs. I doubt you would give a shit if you'd experienced the shows live... the way they were meant to be experienced.
I've seen Opeth play quite a few times (Milwaukee Metalfest, New Jersey Metalfest, BWP, Deliverance, Damnation and Lamentations tours) and they've always put on really tight shows (but I do prefer them in a venue setting as opposed to a festival...). They are one of my favorite live bands and I've seen hundreds of shows over the past ten years. Sure, there's some mistakes here and there but...that's to be expected at a live show. The funny thing is, I've heard some people say they don't enjoy Opeth live because they sound too much like their albums....everyone has their own opinion I guess...
People should also take into account that while they may be off one night, they'll be totally tight another night...and also, as the tour progresses, they get a LOT tighter...
I've only seen Opeth twice. The Deliverance tour was absolutely flawless...the Lamentations tour had a few minor mistakes from Peter. Mikael messed up in the intro to the Moor, but it was nothing really. They are fucking amazing live regardless if it's a good or less good night, I'd see them over and over again.
This threat surprises me really.. all the bootlegs i have (i have alot of them..) they play really good every time. Sure his voice isnt always awesome, some of those high parts are hard to sing. I have a lower voice and i have a real hard time doing it. Their stage 'presence' is fine to me also. I dont care to see them headbanging till their hair gets hung up or something and ripped off. As long as they sound great and headbang when the song demands it, sweet.
KennonKun said:
However, I've been listening to lots of Opeth audio bootlegs, and I've been noticing more and more instances in which Opeth just doesn't put on a good show. It could just be the Blackwater Park and Deliverance tours in particular, but there are so many instances where they're out of tune, mess up, or just basically lack energy. Mike screams himself hoarse and sounds like he has strept throat. His voice cracks at least once a show while singing clean. I guess I should give Mike a break because of how hard it must be to growl, sing, and play, but some of the things I've heard are kinda disappointing.

By the recent interviews Mikael has done recently, he has mentioned that he has been sick a lot on tour due to being in close quarters with so many people, and constantly going into different climates, warm and cold, etc. Maybe that is why things aren't as perfect as you hoped they would be?
I've seen Opeth live 6 times and they are by far my favorite. Yes, they do occasionally make a few mistakes here and there but its not like theyre up there playing Smoke on the Water or anything. Their music is more complex. And with Mikes singing.. I dont know. It is hard to go back and forth with the growling and clean singing wihich is a strain on his voice and he's also gotta be concentrating on palying his guitar too. This little things dont bother me at all really. I think they do a great job...
KennonKun said:
I've been noticing more and more instances in which Opeth just doesn't put on a good show. It could just be the Blackwater Park and Deliverance tours in particular, but there are so many instances where they're out of tune, mess up, or just basically lack energy. Mike screams himself hoarse and sounds like he has strept throat. His voice cracks at least once a show while singing clean. I guess I should give Mike a break because of how hard it must be to growl, sing, and play, but some of the things I've heard are kinda disappointing.
This will problably make you scream out in desperation and break the Opeth shrine you have in the corner of your room, but the members of Opeth are merely humans. Yes I now its a shame but better to realise sooner than later.
You damn my pals, don't judge Opeth's performance by a goddamn bootleg. They don't have good quality in sound.