Something that's been bugging me lately...

segaszivos said:
I'd like to see them put on a better show than "Hello, this is Opeth" and "This song is <insert song here>" and "We already played that song" and "we don't take requests".... I know that they can do better. :)

In fact, that is what makes Opeth such a cool live act.
segaszivos said:
I don't intend on being a stick in the ass, but I've been to a shit load of concerts and I must say that Opeth doesn't really put on a good show. They play the music perfectly, but they don't really entertain people otherthan music. This isn't a bad thing, but why go to a concert if its going to be the same thing as the album?

I'd like to see them put on a better show than "Hello, this is Opeth" and "This song is <insert song here>" and "We already played that song" and "we don't take requests".... I know that they can do better. :)

Sorry, but i have totally disagree with you. Being at a live gig (especially Opeth's) is nothing like an album. The whole atmosphere of the gig is great, you have the die hard metal heads going fucking insaine head banging like machines, the roars & screams right after Mikael announces the next track & when it's finished. All those things some up to create one amazing atmosphere aswell as the music.

But also, Mikael is very entertaining. He isn't rude to the crowd, he cracks little jokes here & there, it's great. At least there not like fucking faggot ass Radiohead who i saw last weekend (I really regret attending that gig, trying somehow to slowly block it out of my memory) where Thom York said ''thanks'', ''cheers'' after a couple of songs, not all of them. It made the whole night boring, the towards the end he ran around the stage like a pig that's just had it's tail chopped off trying to get as much applause's from the crowd as possible.