Something Weird

I'm tipsy -and getting more and more wasted. And no I don't think I'll spew. Not very prone to cookie-toss. But I have to say: I 'D HOLD BACK ALEXI'S HAIR.
hahah i rarly puke (thank god) i only did seriosly puke my first time with vodka ( i drank the whole bottel with a firned in only a half hour not thinking i was drunk till i was done ahah i broke cigaretes and oreos and threw Both everywhere.
:d BEen kicked out the bar Only once and i rember it all but damn that was one hell of a good time
Fatalized said:
Is there anyone who thinks that's cool?

Appearantly some girls do. I did it a few times (accidents happen to everyone..), but I was very ashamed and try to avoid it as much as I can (to be honest, I always tried..i just have an awfully weak stomach :waah:)
I'm not in support for the death of romance, but for me, a chick who is honest and dirty is way better than a stuck up one. Sure i don't want her puking all the time and shitting down the walls, but sure as fuck she can expel gas is she wishes too and not have to worry about me looking down upon her. And one of the best conversations we ever had was about PDD's (post-drink-dumps) and how fucking amazing they are...apparently (and she told me this) if you take a shit and it touches the water before leaving your ass then it is called (in scat terms) a LEGEND.

Sorry to nasty up the thread on.
TheSeldomlaid said:
Cause you're like the groupie of the ages. If you were Halford's groupie, you'd be a 6"6 black dude with oiled muscles and a horse sized wiener, ready for action, an hoping to God for a shag.
I used to think that you were a cool and intelligent person.
I've always stood by these words:

I will stop listening to COB when the keyboards don't stand out,when Alexi doesn't YOW or when the orchestra hit is not included in the album.

AYDY was VERY close to hitting all 3 of those.