Something Wicked - TRILOGY


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Seriously folks, it don't get much better than "The Coming Curse". That could be one of the best endings to an album, evAr.

This weekend I need to rip my "Alive in Athens" to the iPOD.
Prophecy - Great song
Birth of the Wicked - lame, been done 1000 times
Coming Curse - awesome, only the drumming gets boring
Added Tuesday, May 9
Added By: EvilG

ICED EARTH Mainman Wants To Make 'Our Most Epic, Dynamic, Most Melodic And Heaviest CD Ever' - May 9, 2006

ICED EARTH mainman Jon Schaffer has posted the follwing message on the band's official web site:

"I know I've been really lame with the updates and I'm sorry about that. We've let things get pretty lax here at and we're going to be making some changes in this in the not-too-distant future.

"As some of you are aware, I'm not really the Internet type of guy and only use it for my email, and even that I avoid often (which does annoy my business associates at times; but hey, that's what phones are for!), so I spend as little time as possible on a computer; unless it's my studio computer and I'm spending a LOT of time on that one. Tim [Owens, ICED EARTH singer] enjoys surfing and all of that stuff so he's going to be involved in the IE site a lot more in the future. You'll be seeing some big changes in the site with the release of the next IE CD.

"Which actually brings me to the next bit of news... I'm completely consumed in the writing process of what will be by far the most ambitious album(s) IE has ever done. Some of you probably know that the next two releases will comprise the full concept album of the 'Something Wicked' storyline, Part 1 & Part 2. I know it's taken quite some time to get this beast on its way to fruition, but it IS finally happening, and I really feel the time is right. The goal is to make this our most epic, dynamic, most melodic and heaviest CD ever. Because of the depth and detail of the story it would be impossible to do it on one CD, there simply is not enough time, so I'm writing both parts at one time so that the continuity is there. If I were to wait a year or two to start writing part 2 I would be in a completely different frame of mind and it wouldn't work nearly as well, so the best thing is to do all the writing at once. We'll get Part 1 recorded, mixed and released and then finish part 2 which will come out about 6 months later. That's at least the preliminary plan. We are still pretty early in the process but things are starting to move along nicely.

"I know it's been some time since the release of 'The Glorious Burden' and I ask you to please be patient because what's coming next is going to blow you away. This is the album that IE fans have been waiting for.

"I want to apologize to the European fans for not making it over there for a headline tour on the last album. My back problems got too intense to be on the road and that really screwed things up for everyone, myself, the rest of the guys in the band, our crew, the promoters etc. We would have toured a lot more than we did had I not had these problems. The great thing is that the last surgical procedure I had in October of 2004 seems to have worked to make the pain much more tolerable. I did very extensive therapy for many months and am committed to being in the best shape of my life by the time we tour again. It's good to be enjoying life for the first time in a very long time.
AsModEe said:
I'm completely consumed in the writing process of what will be by far the most ambitious album(s) IE has ever done. ...

...The goal is to make this our most epic, dynamic, most melodic and heaviest CD ever.

I actually believe it, for once. I think the next IE album(s) should in all theory be their best (musically), just because he's obviously so inspired by the theme.

Only problem is, no Barlow.
A jaw dropping display of songwriting. One of Schaffer's true crowning achievements. All at once intense, moving, savage and yes, epic.

I learned a hard lesson one night while listening to this trilogy and completely rocking out in my car. I nailed a person on a bicycle and almost ended his life right there. Needless to say, it affected me greatly (though it wasn't completely my fault). I like to look back at times and try and pull out as many positives as I can from one of the worst experiences I've ever had. Something was "watching over me" that night - and the man on the bike as well.

You'd think it would have an adverse effect, but believe it or not - listening to this trilogy nowadays actually provides me with a source of strength. There's a powerful connection between myself and the songs - right on par with Queensryche's Waiting for 22/My Empty Room/Eyes of a Stranger and Opeth's Black Rose Immortal (my connection to these are stories in and of themselves).

JayKeeley said:
I actually believe it, for once. I think the next IE album(s) should in all theory be their best (musically), just because he's obviously so inspired by the theme.

Only problem is, no Barlow.

Aye, but there is one more problem... The man has run out of riffs! Seriously, I can't remember being awed by a single riff on "The Glorious Burden", and I am awed roughly thrice per song "Night of the Stormrider". It's sad!
Crimson Velvet said:
Aye, but there is one more problem... The man has run out of riffs! Seriously, I can't remember being awed by a single riff on "The Glorious Burden", and I am awed roughly thrice per song "Night of the Stormrider". It's sad!
I suspect Jon has been holding back since SWTWC, knowing full well that this coming 2-CD journey would be his musical masterpiece. While Barlow is sorely missed, I've come to really dig Tim. Fuck. Just go listen to Tim's performance on "High Water Mark". Brilliant.:kickass:

Crimson Velvet said:
Aye, but there is one more problem... The man has run out of riffs! Seriously, I can't remember being awed by a single riff on "The Glorious Burden", and I am awed roughly thrice per song "Night of the Stormrider". It's sad!

There were a couple of cool parts, but put away "Glorious Burden" and listen to "Gettysburg" instead if you want to hear newer IE stuff that manages to impress.