Something Wild LP

Muffin said:
<3 :blush:

Also i've gotten the liking for the solo in Beautiful death, the progression of the sweeps are just brilliant when you really listen to it, albeit it sounds somewhat dull compared to Winter Madness and DATH.. Now DATH has an awesome solo imo.. I love doing the harmonic part of it, the sweeping solo's are just way out of my league :erk: YET! *runs to practise*
yeah DATH is kickass... damn why wont you authorize me on msn? :)
HomerJ_123 said:
yeah DATH is kickass... damn why wont you authorize me on msn? :)

o_O?`i havent gotten a msn request.. u sure you sent one? because i am logged on right now
Hmm I have two copies of the LP already but I wouldn't mind a third..... :D But nah, the price is a bit too high for a third copy. I would be interested in the SW and HB promos though, if you'll sell them cheap =P
It's funny cuz one of my friends was telling me the other day how similar wintersun sounds to bodom. and i guess i can kind of see his point of view, seeing as how he isn't as hardcore of a bodom fan as me, so to his ears it probably sounds similar. but for me, i just can't get into wintersun that's like nothing great to me, unlike bodom of course.
If you cant listen to them, what are you doing here? And it's my own business to join or not. I'm sorry, but it's just MY opinion about Wintersun and I could not suppose, that you're so angry:heh:
2 Mystique1721
I agree with you absolutely. COB is one of my favourite bands. But sometimes i lilke to listen to Wintersun. I don't think that Wintersun is so bad, that i can't listen to them. COB means something very special to me, Wintersun is good enough to listen to. And i respect Winersun!
If you cant listen to them, what are you doing here? And it's my own business to join or not. I'm sorry, but it's just MY opinion about Wintersun and I could not suppose, that you're so angry:heh:


What am I doing on a CHILDREN OF BODOM board???? Supporting Children of Bodom.

I said I can't listen to WINTERSUN.

I don't see how I'm angry, I was just suprised that someone would join a message board to quote an opinion.
And well, I lost my interest in the band after they released that horrible Follow the reaper album.
:erk: what against FTR? u crazy? and its just hatebreeder with better recording and better melodies.. :/ explain yourself