son of a BITCH!

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Cyclonus said:
Hahahaha you got owned.

And everyone in this thread is a fucking jew.

Youre maybe the most stupid person on this board.

And apocalyptic...i suppose you have a point about the gates of delerium line...however, i dont find things that tame to be "offensive" but i understand someone else would. But you say youre a King Crimson fan...they indeed would have lyrics that could offend many i thought Yes was a weird place to start.

nice taste in music you have though. :)
This is the most pathetic thing I've read since I watched a Linkin Park video with closed caption on.
I like how you took the bait. Moreover, your syntax is at a fourth grade level: you have no place judging anyone's intelligence, you infantile cretin.
I just listened to Damnation and I now plan on going to the local cemetary, painting a pentagram on top of someone's grave who died on 06/06/06, standing in the center, and drinking goat blood from the eviscerated pancreas of a sacrificed virgin.
Iridium said:
I like how you took the bait. Moreover, your syntax is at a fourth grade level: you have no place judging anyone's intelligence, you infantile cretin.

i was judging someones intelligence? cretin? infantile? grow up fool.
"Retarded douchebag" not a judgement of intelligence? Heh. Do the world a favor and puff the almond wind, eh? I am done here.
.TyRanT. said:
abcdefg last heard black eyed peas? wtf? wrong forum?
You're quite right about that, buddy...

This is the Opeth forum, not "What song did abcdefg last hear".


Since it seems to bother you so, I'll listen to some METAL!
abcdefg said:
You're quite right about that, buddy...

This is the Opeth forum, not "What song did abcdefg last hear".


Since it seems to bother you so, I'll listen to some METAL!

jesus christ...avril lavigne now? please dude...why must you ruin your brain?
dorian gray said:
i think that parents should have the final say regardless of the situation. there is more time in life later to sort out how much your parents fucked you up. i find myself doing that all the time and i am extremely "well-adjusted".
i dig what you said about exploring music and art but i think sexuality shouldnt be explored. too many kids have found themselves pregnant at age 14 to justify exploring sex.

Yeah, and then you can grudge your parents the rest of your life about how they fucked up the best part of your life(like my aunt and to some extent my mother do). Oh, and the corelation of 'exploring sex' and '14 year old pregnant girls' makes me feel that you too fall into the fanatical close minded category.
Apprentice's Master said:
For example, I'm am a Hindu, but I hardly follow all the guidelines that Hindus should follow. It's just that I was born into this religion, and I don't really care to convert. Thus, I am a Hindu not by choice, but by birth.

hahahaha I thought that the good thing about being a Hindu was the absence of any guidelines. None of the religious texts tell anyone about how or what they should do. All there religious practices hindus follow are simply traditions rather than something that they do because the religion mandates it. Come on, I dare you to give me a single 'thou shalt...' in any of the hindu religious texts.

P.S: note to abcdefg; OPETH.
For the kid who posted this thread: Dude, I would be more concerned with myself if I were you, letting all this funcking punks insult your parents, YOU are the only one who can call her bitch or call him dick, it's not like i've never called my mom BITCH, (when I was younger, not anymore) but that doesn't give the right to my friends to even call her closed-minded hypocrite, If one did I would punch that motherfucker, cause i'm the only one who can do that. and I second that of not doing everything they say, because after all they are just Humas who can make mistakes... like YOU.

But in the other hand WHO i'm I, telling you all this stuff?? don't listen to me, I'm just a faceless being in a world where people can tell you everything they want without the shame of doing so face-to-face, So don't listen to me, instead create an opinion for yourself.
Dieblo said:
For the kid who posted this thread: Dude, I would be more concerned with myself if I were you, letting all this funcking punks insult your parents, YOU are the only one who can call her bitch or call him dick, it's not like i've never called my mom BITCH, (when I was younger, not anymore) but that doesn't give the right to my friends to even call her closed-minded hypocrite, If one did I would punch that motherfucker, cause i'm the only one who can do that. and I second that of not doing everything they say, because after all they are just Humas who can make mistakes... like YOU.

But in the other hand WHO i'm I, telling you all this stuff?? don't listen to me, I'm just a faceless being in a world where people can tell you everything they want without the shame of doing so face-to-face, So don't listen to me, instead create an opinion for yourself.

I think you need to step out of your bubble a bit. One of the freedoms people (well, most) have is the ability to make observations, judgements and base opinions on those about anyone or anything...and express them if they feel its necessary. if i want to call your mom a name...then i will. Just because she squoze you out of her vagina doesnt mean youre the only one who can have an opinion about her. :err:
AllWithinMyMonster said:
P.S Here's what you have to do to get revenge! Start listening to rap music, start speaking like a wegro and go buy pants 12 sizes to big. They'll beg you to listen to Opeth!

Hahaha I love that! wegro bahahah
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