son of a BITCH!

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Apprentice's Master said:
Maybe he just likes the way it sounds? After all, this is music we're talking about, not holy (or un-holy) books.

yea, its all about the music. Im not much of a lyric person myself, so i just listen to what i like. Im not a close minded asshole who thinks that you have to listen to the shitty religious music, cause imo, they all suck. they are too obsessed with preaching their word to make a good song. They should go public speaking instead. Its not like i agree with all of the music i listen to, and i bet not many people do either. Its just what you sing about when you make that kind of music.
EternalMetal said:
shitty religious music, cause imo, they all suck. UOTE]
heh. true. i noticed long ago that religious bands are rip offs of what was cool ten years prior.
remember stryper? blech.
EternalMetal said:
yea, its all about the music. Im not much of a lyric person myself, so i just listen to what i like. Im not a close minded asshole who thinks that you have to listen to the shitty religious music, cause imo, they all suck. they are too obsessed with preaching their word to make a good song. They should go public speaking instead. Its not like i agree with all of the music i listen to, and i bet not many people do either. Its just what you sing about when you make that kind of music.
Okay, fair enough, but I dont think you quite hit the point I was making. I realize that one can like a certain type of music without liking it's inherent ideological values... but when it comes to something as extreme as black metal, I'm not sure how you can ignore the general pagan anti-judeo/christian meaning behind the music...

Fair enough for most other genres, but when black metal's main purpose is the destruction of christian values and morals, then it must get a little hard to take at times, regardless of your interest in the lyrical content?
ShroudOfDusk said:
Okay, fair enough, but I dont think you quite hit the point I was making. I realize that one can like a certain type of music without liking it's inherent ideological values... but when it comes to something as extreme as black metal, I'm not sure how you can ignore the general pagan anti-judeo/christian meaning behind the music...

Fair enough for most other genres, but when black metal's main purpose is the destruction of christian values and morals, then it must get a little hard to take at times, regardless of your interest in the lyrical content?
This would only be a problem if you were a devout Christian. Usually, we were just brought up by our parents to follow a certain religion without having a choice. It's just a way to identify ourselves in the most basic sense, not necessarily to symbolize our personal beliefs and practices.

For example, I'm am a Hindu, but I hardly follow all the guidelines that Hindus should follow. It's just that I was born into this religion, and I don't really care to convert. Thus, I am a Hindu not by choice, but by birth.
I feel that religious artist cannot sing about anything else than their religion.
It's like if I was in a band I couln't stop writing lyrics about the fact that I'm a male.

adnilem said:
haha, :tickled:
Although that probably WOULD offend them (at least my mom), they know they can't do anything about it.
i like your signature too. in fact im gonna steal it.

dorian gray said:
grey and pink: i agree with you but i also agree with the boy's parents. although i dont have any children and thus lose a bit of credibility, i think that parents should have the final say regardless of the situation. there is more time in life later to sort out how much your parents fucked you up. i find myself doing that all the time and i am extremely "well-adjusted". i just think thats part of life. yeah, i think there are some seriously fucked up parents in the world and they will always be here but i dont think throwing someones cds away because they think the cds might be a bad influence is inherently stupid or wrong. also, we should keep in mind that blackwater is speaking for his parents and we really have no idea why they did that. he may be smoking crack for all we know.
i totally agree with you that religious fanatacism is terrible but thats all some people know. i personally cant stand it.
i dig what you said about exploring music and art but i think sexuality shouldnt be explored. too many kids have found themselves pregnant at age 14 to justify exploring sex. i think it could wait. thoughts?

off topic: i thought the new "dawn of the dead" was really good. also, i recently picked up "cabin fever". i recommend it.....

thanks for sharing.
i thought the new dawn of the dead was the worst film i have ever seen.a load of cheesy american crap. it just felt like a computer game and the acting was soooo corny.

Picking up on one of your previous points, I have lived away from home for 2 years now and have to provide for myself, pay rent, go to work and all that stuff you said etc.. but i still agree with a lot of people on here - i think his parents are in the wrong.

My parents are fine with anything i do most of the time, and dont force anything on me like that but they are (in my opinion) sometimes quite unfair, and use the whole 'parents are always right' argument which is complete bullshit in my opinion. If they want me to respect them, then they should give me some respect in return imo. I may have been bought up by my parents but that doesnt mean they own me or have the right to tell me what i should be doing, im an adult and living 100+ miles away from home now, not a teenager anymore.

noone should have the right to dictate what music someone listens to, whether they are his parents or not. What makes it worse is that they didnt try and find anything out about the muskc before just shunning it and throwing it out. Christians like this can be so ignorant, without actually having a clue. I suggest you buy some deicide or akercocke or something and just blast it out at full volume, then see what she says.

I also suggest you point her to this thread so she can get a point of view of someone who isnt deluded by religion.

Oh and 1 more thing. Even if the cds were satanic, satanism is a religion just like any other - even if it is anti christian, they shoudl respect your beliefs as much as they expect you to respect theirs.

And who says its not christianity that is anti-satanist? Throw all their christian cds out and see what they say.

I know the situation has been defused now and its all blown over etc but stuff like this still annoys me and stuff should be done about it.
I apologize if anybody's bothered by my dredging up an old thread...but I can't help but consider myself lucky when I see what some people have had to deal with.

I honestly can't see what about Opeth's work could be so severely offensive as to merit this sort of treatment. Bear in mind this comes from someone who grew up in a Christian home...I can't ever see my parents reacting like that if I'd got into Opeth when I lived with them. I imagine they wouldn't like the screaming and wouldn't have let me play the other 6 CDs in the car with them or play really loud in the house--but I cannot ever see them trashing my Opeth collection. It wasn't until I got older that I began to realize just how fortunate I'd been for growing up in a relatively tolerant environment.

I mean...I'll admit I'm a wuss and Opeth is musically the most "extreme" thing I've ever gotten a taste for, personally. But when it comes to lyrics I've heard things that annoyed me in rap or even "ordinary" rock songs far, FAR more. I see no need to name examples...after all, what I do and don't listen to is a personal choice I have no need to inflict on anybody else. With Opeth, I can see what people are saying about Still Life...but that doesn't bother me either. I mean, it's well documented that stuff like that happened in the past, that there are people who abuse others and try to excuse it with God's name--it sucks and if people try to ignore the potential for such abuses it's only going to get worse. I don't mind that fact being pointed out (it's old news to me), and I could think of FAR more offensive ways to do it. As for Deliverance/Damnation I don't get uptight just because the words "devil" or "sin" are mentioned, or anything like that. That's WAY fanatical. There's something to be said for actually paying attention to the context, and I typically do read lyrics fairly closely. And when I do...I seriously cannot understand what the possible upset over Opeth could be. Certainly nothing justifies tossing all their CDs in the can! Heck, the lyrics are one of my reasons for liking Opeth!

BTW, whoever made that point about "Christian music", I could not agree more wholeheartedly. There simply is no creativity whatsoever in that genre and I find it absolutely intolerable. Frankly, I consider it an embarrassment!

I guess my point with all of this is...yeah, there are some really scary fanatics, and I can't even begin to guess what motivates those people...but it's possible to take a more level-headed approach than that!
Yeah I am being raised in a Christian house hold. My advice to people also being raised in a house hold, and about heavey metal, is to just hide the albums, and never talk to your parents about music, or at least heavey metal. My parents are very crazy about stupid stuff like that.

My parents made me through away my Amorphis cd, which wasn't a big loss, but it made me realize, I need to find better places for my "devil music" like Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, and Emperor. I listen to eviler things than those bands, it's just I have to sneak everything in, hide it, and then listen to it on headphones or with the door locked to my room.

The funny thing is, this music hasn't ever altered my view of religion. I believe there is a god, but that's about as far as it goes. I mean I'm forced to attend church, but I have serious doubts about all the things they say.... so metal has never altered my view on religion. It might if you want it to, but who cares what one believes in?
I am an atheist. Music wasnt the thing that changed my view of religion. My own mind was.
When i was eight years old, i started thinking about how life came to be. I decided to look up some material about it. All my life i was brainwashed by my mother to believe that Adam and Eve where the ones who founded human life as we know it. My first thoughts on this subject were "Well, then were all commiting incest". After discovering the fact that life is based on evolution, i became an atheist. I stopped going to church and stopped believing in anything supernatural. When i got a little older, i think i was 13, i started to listen to nu-metal and Nirvana. Then i moved onto Metal and the subgenres. Today i am 17 years old. I listen to Death, Melodeath, Black, Thrash and Hard Rock (Only Tool, though). I am the only one who decides the music i listen to.
Oh yea, i forgot to state my point.
If your parents are unwilling to accept or discuss your beliefs, opinions and tastes, they are either unintelligent, narrow-minded or just plain and simple STUPID!
My mother was all these things simultaneously, so i decided to move away from her, as soon as possible. It worked.

I do not wish to discuss my point, nor will i accept other views of this matter.
not sure how i missed this thread before, but it's certainly aninteresting situation...
at any rate, i would caution all of you from lumping together all "religious people"... there are quite a number of branches and denomenations of Christianity as well as different groups within Islam, Judaism, etc. and not all of them are conservative or fundamentalist some of them, in fact, encourage reflection and exploration of the "darker" side of ourselves. and this is what i find in Opeth's lyrics--a very interesting exploration of the concepts of sin, sadness, loss, etc.
i am a convert to Orthodox Christianity and was introduced to Opeth by someone at my church. our theology and community encourage honest, careful confrontation with the world and one's own inner life. it's about process and growth and not about "here's the rules, now follow them or else"--when you have that, then anything that begins to challenge or expand one's set of rules is very scary and threatening. that's why the fundamentalists get so touchy about things that, when you actually examine them for real, are not terribly offensive or wrong (immoral, etc.)
at any rate, those people are out there, and i guess when they are your parents, you are in for some tough times. but then you go off and have your own life. before that you have to play a pretty rough game of balancing respect and your own sense of justice and freedom. you pick your fights and leave some stuff alone.
but i guess my main point is that you need to avoid being just as narrow-mided and ignorant as the most vehement fundamentalists by your lumping together all religous people. if you do that, you are just as mistaken as they are.
Well written, T-Rat. It seems to be a part of human nature that in an attempt to avoid one extreme, we often go rushing right into its opposite, which is often just as crippling, without recognizing what we've done. That's a universal trait that we ALL have, myself included, but one we definitely have to be aware of, because of the devastating results it can have. I think that when anybody, regardless of particular beliefs, closes their mind completely, that can be a very dangerous thing--and not just for others, but for that person internally. And it does seem to happen among every group in existence.
what the hell???? man are you crazy? or stupid? Get the fucking cd´s back rigth now and hide it in your room...
the thing is not to buy them again. throw an opeth cd to the trash is a blasfemic act man.... ohhh i can´t believe it.... ohhh man the earth is going to hell.....
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