son of a BITCH!

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Immature: It's like I want religious parents just to piss them off.

Then again I'm really happy they're not.

Blackwater86: Say to your parents. "Ok, the words "sin", "sinner", and "devil" are used. So what? They're found in the dictionary!" Challenge them to find the anti-christian message behind the words, not just the words themselves. Just be calm and serious, don't be rebellious or hysterical.

If you want to be rebellious and hysterical go through their collecton, as mot- said. Maybe you'll find some good stuff there. If they have Stairway to Heaven, play it backwards to them.
ShroudOfDusk said:
I still think you should get some satanic black metal and play that to them so that Opeth look like angels by comparison.

Play "Christraping Black Metal" by Marduk and see how they think that compares to Opeth. mom did the same to me back in 96. she was on a meeting about satanism and someone told her Marilyn Manson(yes i was young.....and dumb hrhr) is the most satanic music out there. she came home and we beat the shit out each other (just with words hehe). I still laugh about her.......sometimes i bring her home from work and she has to hear Cannbial Corpse, Extreme Noise Terror and Infest Dead the whole time hahaha
Hmmm... lots of odd suggestions here about how to make the situation escalate, if that's what you're looking for, but seriously, here's what I'd do to get everything under control. Having faced a similar situation in the past, here is my master plan for you!

1) Retrieve CD's under cover of darkness.
2) Make copies of CD's. I had to put mine on tape, but you've got mp3's now, much better!
3) Show your parents what other CD's you have (sans Opeth) to make sure they're okay with this. They won't throw anything away if you approach them honestly and then you have defused the situation. (Unless you want to go through this again!)
4) Tell your parents you're getting a LOCKING case to keep your sister out of your stuff. (That would actually be what irritated me the most about this)
5) Give your original Opeth CD's to a trusted friend to hold (not to play, don't want them getting scratched!) and retrieve them when you're in college.

The trick is playing along while covering all of your bases. After all, if you only have a dozen or so months to go, why blow things up now?

My 2 cents anyway. Good luck!
$profit$ said:
Hmmm... lots of odd suggestions here about how to make the situation escalate, if that's what you're looking for, but seriously, here's what I'd do to get everything under control. Having faced a similar situation in the past, here is my master plan for you!

1) Retrieve CD's under cover of darkness.
2) Make copies of CD's. I had to put mine on tape, but you've got mp3's now, much better!
3) Show your parents what other CD's you have (sans Opeth) to make sure they're okay with this. They won't throw anything away if you approach them honestly and then you have defused the situation. (Unless you want to go through this again!)
4) Tell your parents you're getting a LOCKING case to keep your sister out of your stuff. (That would actually be what irritated me the most about this)
5) Give your original Opeth CD's to a trusted friend to hold (not to play, don't want them getting scratched!) and retrieve them when you're in college.

The trick is playing along while covering all of your bases. After all, if you only have a dozen or so months to go, why blow things up now?

My 2 cents anyway. Good luck!

Well...I already got the cd's back and the whole things kind of blown over now is pretty much back to normal. Sorry if I dissapointed anyone with such an unclimactic ending. The even more annoying thing about the whole situation is that my sisters 19 years old or something - i always thought that was a few years past the "telling mom about the cd called Damnation with the depressing lyrics" phase. Unfortunately for me, I think that the most secular thing that my parents listen to is probably James Taylor or Norah if you find anything evil in their lyrics, be sure to tell me about it.
Ah yes the typical Christian behavior. If there's not a cross or a picture of Jesus on something than it must be made by the fucking devil. Fuck bullshit like that. As far as I know Opeth has never had anything even remotely anti-religious in there lyrics ever. If I was you I'd march your sorry ass out to the garage and get those CDs out of the garbage can now! Then follow it up by burning your parents R rated movies, and pissing on the ashes. And when your parents yell at your tell them to fuck off, and chop your dad's dick off. Don't fucking comform to their fucked up ways man! Goddamn it stand up for yourself a little...
the collective I.Q. of this thread is at an astonishing low. I cant beleive how many people have suggested to throw their parents stuff in the garbage or to "kill" their parents. :err:
blackwaterpark999: is your sister hot?
*dorians IQ stoops to a new low*

grey and pink: notice not ONE person responded to our conversation the other day. not that it was very interesting but at least it was thoughtful.....
dorian gray said:
blackwaterpark999: is your sister hot?
*dorians IQ stoops to a new low*

grey and pink: notice not ONE person responded to our conversation the other day. not that it was very interesting but at least it was thoughtful.....

yea, i noticed too. fairly dissapointing. nobody even commented...they instead...drenched this thread with silly and immature attempts at giving advice such as killing their parents and throwing away their belongings. oh well
James Taylor, Enough To Be On Your Way: 1st verse

So the sun shines on his funeral just the same as on a birth,
the way it shines on everything that happens here on Earth.
It rolls across the western sky and back into the sea
and spends the day's last rays upon this fucked-up family, so long old pal.
lol, im christian and listen to Burzum ands the such. MY music collection is full of satanic stuff, but i dont care. Opeth isnt satanic, get your shit back. My mom knows i listen to satanic stuff, but its all on my computer so she cant get rid of it, even if she wanted to.
EternalMetal said:
lol, im christian and listen to Burzum ands the such. MY music collection is full of satanic stuff, but i dont care. Opeth isnt satanic, get your shit back. My mom knows i listen to satanic stuff, but its all on my computer so she cant get rid of it, even if she wanted to.
Doesnt that sort of defeat the purpose? I mean, the purpse of black metal is the destruction of judeo-christian morals and beleifs... so... how could it possibly appeal to you?
grey and pink: i dont think the posts were even read.

shroud: i second that question. to each his own but i have to acknowledge that it's wierd to indulge in...shall we say - contradictory - pursuits.

eternalmetal: remarks?

everyone else: do the majority of people on this board live with their parents or is it my imagination? im not cracking; i am just curious as to what the demographics are here. yet i will say this: you probably dont care, and judging by the posts here, you *definitely* dont, but its hard for the few older folks here to take anything you say seriously when you are eating food and sleeping in a bed someone else has provided for you. im not trying to lay some superiority stuff on you, im just letting you know that not everyone thinks its cool to get revenge on your parents.
ShroudOfDusk said:
Doesnt that sort of defeat the purpose? I mean, the purpse of black metal is the destruction of judeo-christian morals and beleifs... so... how could it possibly appeal to you?
Maybe he just likes the way it sounds? After all, this is music we're talking about, not holy (or un-holy) books.
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