son of a BITCH!

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So, what exactly did they find offending in the lyrics? The use of the word "sin" in both songs? Or did they find some of those hidden things between the lines like "for absent friends" in deliverance and think them satanic?

Dude, seriously tell your parents that they are hypocritical and tell them not to believe in some book some guy wrote a couple thousand years ago. Speaking of which, that guy must be laughing in his grave at the stupidity of people today... :lol:
First of all, Is this a fucking joke????. If not then I really pity you, I mean I thought I had problems with my parents, but nothing beats this BS. I normaly wouldn´t hit women, let alone my mother, but if this was the case i´d might make an exception.
Dunno about those Damnation lyrics but I don't see how anyone can't see what problem his parents had with those lines from Deliverance. "Devil guides the way/tells me what to say/pours himself inside/snuffs the final light"... open your eyes. I don't agree with what they did but it isn't THAT far fetched if you think from their (crazy,irrational) perspective.
Dunno about those Damnation lyrics but I don't see how anyone can't see what problem his parents had with those lines from Deliverance. "Devil guides the way/tells me what to say/pours himself inside/snuffs the final light"... open your eyes. I don't agree with what they did but it isn't THAT far fetched if you think from their (crazy,irrational) perspective.
Behold, I have reclaimed the sacred cd's...I had an opening and I took it. Thanks for the motivational is fuckin ridiculous how very uptight some people can be. I'm definately storing my cds away in a nice safe asshole-proof location.
back in junior high when i was a marilyn manson fan, my mom tried to throw away my cds. i just found them, then didn't talk to her, put manson posters on my wall...and basically did everything that a rebelious child would do....which was everything that i was told not to do. it worked out for me...i don't worship satan, i didn't kill anybody...and my mom loves damnation....damn...
Damn. This has realy blown out of proportions. Why not buy a couple of Graveland or Gorgoroth albums and let your parents find those? At least that'll make Opeth acceptable by comparison.
joevice: good point. i had a bunch to say here and you kinda stole it from me in a way. what i like about your story is that it shows that everyones different. both of my brothers were rebellious bastards and caused all sorts of problems for my parents. yeah, they both went through the phase where they had their contraband thrown away but you know where they are now that they are old and out of the house and married and whatever? they are total fucking losers. one has his electricity shut off because he didnt pay his bill and the other lives in someones shed. yet, some folks, like yourself apparently, turned out just fine. i guess theres a fine line.
now that i got that off my trying not to offend anyone here but i get the impression that most of you are relatively young and have very little life experience outside of your parents house. thats cool and im not making fun of you. i merely want to point out that you dont know everything. dont make such a big deal out of getting your cds thrown away. parents *usually* are only trying to do whats best for their children. i know it seems far fetched now but wait until youre a bit older and have been to college, hold a high-stress job, blah, blah, blah. stuff like getting your cds thrown away will seem like long ago.
those of you telling young master blackwaterpark69 to kill his parents and get back at his sister are obviously still living at home. thats cool but folks, grow up a little bit. its obvious none of you has to provide for anything like food, clothing, shelter. try doing that for awhile. try to see things through the eyes of the people who are paying for all your shit.
blackwater86, i admire your reluctance to flame your parents. you obviously have a head on your shoulders and respect your parents for who they are. i think that is really cool and you will realize how cool that is when you move out. yeah, theyll stil be fanatics but theyre the only parents you have.
as far as the anti-religious confusion goes, i think i can touch on that: i am an ex-christian and i know all the reasons why this or that is considered "anti-christian". in this case, blackwaters parents, fanatics they may be, are probably approaching the situation as one of basic darkness. yeah, opeths lyrics are not really satanic or anti-chrisitan but they are very dark. their music is very dark. their themes are very dark. mike himself said they are a death metal band. that doesnt bode well with religious folks simply because it is so dark. the only reason im saying this is that some people here were perplexed as to why his parents threw them away in the first place.

my wife asked me recently why i like dark things (shes a bonafide christian) and i couldnt really give an answer. if anyone wants to talk about that here i think it would be interesting. id like to hear others's motivations (other than "it fucking rules dude!"). for the record, i have an extensive horror fiction collection, a horror dvd collection, and, obviously, i listen to dark bands like opeth. yet, im really happy and live a really positive life. anyone else like this?
dorian gray said:
for the record, i have an extensive horror fiction collection, a horror dvd collection, and, obviously, i listen to dark bands like opeth. yet, im really happy and live a really positive life. anyone else like this?

Yes. I too have an extensive horror dvd collection, and listen to many dark bands (though not nearly as many as i once did)...and am not a christian, or of any religion...never have been. But im a very happy, responisble and respectful person to just about everyone...and am repeatedly told this. My interests in the darker side of life doesnt reflect my behavior or overall personality...which is my main reason for not agreeing with what his parents did. Plenty of parents want the best for their children, and by doing so...will let them explore whatever music, art, sexuality or interest they care about. Positive reinforcement with reasonable guidelines i think is the best aproach. Not extreme religious fanaticism with unecessary paranoia...regardless of intentions.
grey and pink: i agree with you but i also agree with the boy's parents. although i dont have any children and thus lose a bit of credibility, i think that parents should have the final say regardless of the situation. there is more time in life later to sort out how much your parents fucked you up. i find myself doing that all the time and i am extremely "well-adjusted". i just think thats part of life. yeah, i think there are some seriously fucked up parents in the world and they will always be here but i dont think throwing someones cds away because they think the cds might be a bad influence is inherently stupid or wrong. also, we should keep in mind that blackwater is speaking for his parents and we really have no idea why they did that. he may be smoking crack for all we know.
i totally agree with you that religious fanatacism is terrible but thats all some people know. i personally cant stand it.
i dig what you said about exploring music and art but i think sexuality shouldnt be explored. too many kids have found themselves pregnant at age 14 to justify exploring sex. i think it could wait. thoughts?

off topic: i thought the new "dawn of the dead" was really good. also, i recently picked up "cabin fever". i recommend it.....

thanks for sharing.
hahah...this is fucked up. I remember when I was young and I had a swag of metal shirts, and I put them in the wash one day....and they disappeared. I suspect my mother threw them out and thought I'd blame one of my dodgy no-good friends for stealing them...parent's...their god-damned schemers.
dorian gray said:
grey and pink: i agree with you but i also agree with the boy's parents. although i dont have any children and thus lose a bit of credibility, i think that parents should have the final say regardless of the situation. there is more time in life later to sort out how much your parents fucked you up. i find myself doing that all the time and i am extremely "well-adjusted". i just think thats part of life. yeah, i think there are some seriously fucked up parents in the world and they will always be here but i dont think throwing someones cds away because they think the cds might be a bad influence is inherently stupid or wrong. also, we should keep in mind that blackwater is speaking for his parents and we really have no idea why they did that. he may be smoking crack for all we know.
i totally agree with you that religious fanatacism is terrible but thats all some people know. i personally cant stand it.
i dig what you said about exploring music and art but i think sexuality shouldnt be explored. too many kids have found themselves pregnant at age 14 to justify exploring sex. i think it could wait. thoughts?

off topic: i thought the new "dawn of the dead" was really good. also, i recently picked up "cabin fever". i recommend it.....

thanks for sharing.

I see your point of view...but disagree on some points. As far as exploring sexuality, i didnt mean "having sex" necessarily, and certainly not at 14 if thats the case. More like supporting whatever sexuality their kids are, and helping them with problems associated with it. I know if blackwater came out of the closet, his parents would most likely try to throw him into the garbage can as well...see what im saying? Some ideas and concerns can be considered good parenting...instead of them trying to talk to their son and figure out or help him with this "evil or dark" music...they decide to just throw his CDs if thats some sort of solution....his urge is still there as you can see ("ill rebuy them as soon as im out of the house"). My point is it may not be inheritantly wrong or stupid as you said...but i certainly dont think its the best or a productive way to go about it.
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