son of a BITCH!

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BLackwater86 said:
^I completely agree. My parents don't have aproblem with the 100 r-rated movies in their dvd collection but theyll toss one of my cds if their is a slight hint of anti-religion in the lyrics (which I don't think there is). It's really just a case of them being complete hypocrites. I can tell you the exact lines that yhey found ati-religious....

Damnation -
Heal myself-a feather on my heart
Look inside-there never was a start
Peel myself-dispose of severed skin
All subsides-around me and within

There's nothing painful in this
There's no upheaval
Redemption for my pathos
All sins undone

Awaiting word on what's to come
In helpless prayers a hope lives on
As I've come clean I've forgotten what I promised
In the rays of the sun I am longing for the darkness

all over now
forgotten why i needed this
standing down
disappear into the obscure
resting days
waiting for new disease
biding time
looked inside insanity
it always burns within
the downward spiral never ends
when driven into sin
your salvation's found in a sinner's deed
the devil guides the day
tells me what to say
pours himself inside
and snuffs the final light

thrown back at me

laughing at me

What are your opinions on these lyrics?

Why did you let them read their lyrics? Any American hypocite can find something anti-something in it..

Damn I feel bad for you....
Well his sn ends with 86 so I'm guessing he's 17 soon to be 18. Go get your fucking balls back! Or you shall be ostracized from this board! Were your real family! :sinister laughter ensues: j/k

Seriously dude. Go get those cd's out of the trash! And mail them to me. I can use them as trade ins for other metal cd's I desperately need!
Honestly you need to get those cds back
Just run outside, get them put them under your bed or something. And you should jump up their asses for snooping in your stuff.
AbsentFriend said:
Jesus, GODDAMNIT, HAIL SATAN! You're parents are STUPID ass motherfuckers! And you are even a bigger dumbass! Stand up for yourself man! If my mother would have done such a thing I'd hit her!

If they would make you leave the house because you're listening to Opeth....ALLRIGHT THEN! Then you can do whatever you want!

How old are you really!???? Don't you have an opinion???

I'm 16 and I do have a fucking opinion but instead of causing a whole shitstorm in my house, I figure I'll just burn the cds put 100 dollars aside to buy them all later.
I own all 7 opeth cd releases. But I'd gladly take a 2nd copy of any opeth album to trade into the local record store for other goodies.

Blackwater86 Can you tell us exactly what happened? How did they find the lyrics? Were they snooping in your drawer? Or were you blasting your stereo? Give me your phone number. I'll call your parents and talk some sense into them.
I own all 7 opeth cd releases. But I'd gladly take a 2nd copy of any opeth album to trade into the local record store for other goodies.

Blackwater86 Can you tell us exactly what happened? How did they find the lyrics? Were they snooping in your drawer? Or were you blasting your stereo? Give me your phone number. I'll call your parents and talk some sense into them.

haha^^ Parents= pwned
AllWithinMyMonster said:
I own all 7 opeth cd releases. But I'd gladly take a 2nd copy of any opeth album to trade into the local record store for other goodies.

Blackwater86 Can you tell us exactly what happened? How did they find the lyrics? Were they snooping in your drawer? Or were you blasting your stereo? Give me your phone number. I'll call your parents and talk some sense into them.

My sister was looking through my cd collection for something to listen to and she stumbled across a cd called Damnation and apparently thought that she should tell my mom about it, so my mom decided to read the lyrics and that's how shit happened. so damn them all. And ease up you bastards - It's not like I'm a pussy who won't stand up to his parents, I just decided, like I already said, to just deal with it and buy them later to avoid a pointless mess between me, my sister, and my parents. I'll be counting the days until I'm out of this fuckin house :D
Especially not when you know you're right. Someday all this hidden anger wants to come out, then you'll buy a big axe and decapitate you're family, and we'll see you on the news then...
*agrees with absent friend*

P.S. For Absent Friends is a AWESOME song. And its on Deliverance! Which is in the trash so sucks for you that you cant listen to it!
Dude you have to fucking take a stand! Or your parents will be running the direction of your life for years to come. There is no garuntee that youll be out exactly when your 18. You dont know whats going to happen in 2 yrs. Go get your cahones... There in the trash can! Take a stand! This is fucking fascism! You're a human being and you have right! No go get your cd's back before I find where you live and sex some sense into your mother's mind!

Note- Don't take any of the aforementioned post personal as it was written as an instrument to fuel your motivation for your God given right to listen to whatever you desire! Now go! And make us proud!
YAY! *blows gazoo* *confetti comes down* *Everyone stares as Blackwater reaches for the trash can * THE SUSPENSE! WILL HE PREVAIL!?

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