son of a BITCH!

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I think he left the board because his mom told him to go to bed, because he has to wash her car at 7 o'clock in the morning, just before he makes his parents their breakfast and mows their lawn afterwards....all because he doesn't want to argue with them.....
Oh, this sounds all too familiar. When I was about 16 and still lived at home, my parents did the same thing. It was mostly my mom who is uber-religious, but she got my dad to help her in attacking my cd collection. They got ahold of my cd case when i was gone and took about 15 cds from me. When i got home, they tried to tell me it was evil and was going to corrupt me or some stupid shit like that...they went through the lyrics with me to tell me what was wrong with them. They took some of my favourite cd's I was so pissed off, but they wouldn't tell me where the cd's were or what they were going to do with them. Luckily, Blackwater Park (which was the only cd i owned by opeth at that time) was in my other cd case. I had never been so pissed off at my parents. At least they offered to pay me $10 per cd...they said i could only use it to buy "Christian" music. So I went online and bought some mediocre "christian black metal" like Slechtvalk, Horde, Kekal, etc. none of which are all that great (but not terribly bad music)... It sounded like "evil black metal" music so I played it all the time really loud when they were at home. hahaha, they thought it was satanic until they read the lyrics. that shut them up, hahaha. Stupid parents, so delusional. I only bought a few of these "christian cd's" before I just rebelled and re-purchased some of the cd's they had stolen from me. Then a few years later i moved out and now I am happy to be able to make my own fucking decisions and me and my parents get along fine.
This is a total travestity! You need to get your sister back in a big big way! How old is she fucking 8? Why would she tattle on you?!?? Especially since you keep the house so damn tidy! Blackwater86 tonight is the night dude! You reclaim your manhood or go down in a blaze of glory! You will be in my thoughts! :A moment of silence for the fate which will bestowed upon you:
Wow, wtf. I'm a Jehovah's witness and my mom listens to damnation and blackwater park all the time. I thought they were kinda strict for not liking a couple of my black metal cd's but damn...they never made me throw them away.

I don't understand how you're parents could throw away the others, did they find something "evil" in every album?!
Is it me the only one thinking it's a joke, or are there places really where things like this can happen. Go fetch your CDs, slamm your sister, tell your parents off and show them there's no such anti-religion thing going on in Opeth lyrics (except for Still Life). Rebel against fucking them fucking now!!!
BLackwater86 said:
not yet, im going for it tonight, I'll tell how it went tommorrow. It is an unholy sin to let them just die in the trash.

That's the first sensible fucking thing I've heard you say today! Concratulations!!!

Now let's hope your mom doesn't throw tonight's salad and shit in that thrashcan!?!?!!!
Opeth\m/\m/ said:
Jehovas Witness!! Hahahahahahahahahhahhahah. Get The Cd`s N00b.

N00b? N00b to what? The cd's were double wrapped in a plastic bag before there journey into the it might make extra noise but the cd's will be fine. Thanks for the motivation
The cd's were double wrapped in a plastic bag? Ya thats makes alot of sence because you know when people throw things out they usually try to preserve them by wrapping them in plastic......
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