sonata arctica forum

it was awesome!
sinergy were ok, but dark tranquillity ruled!! mikael stanne is born to be on stage. stanne is stunning :loco:

fantastic, absolutely.
thank you, guys.

@liz: something about sinergy for you:
kimberly has been really nice and entertaining (except when she called alexi next to her and told him "could you please do what you do every morning when you wake up?"... and everyone was waiting for a kiss. no! he spat!); she talked a lot with the audience, invited a guy on stage to do the choruses of a song, and stuff like this.
alexi was indeed really good, even if i couldn't hear his voice when he sang.
i'm sorry i can't tell you anything about the songs but i don't know 'em.

side note: my eyes thank sinergy for the substitution of the bassist :D
Originally posted by mourningstar
it was awesome!
sinergy were ok, but dark tranquillity ruled!! mikael stanne is born to be on stage. stanne is stunning :loco:

'course he is. although next time i'll appreciate the guy more if he didn't insisted on singing the "we look at you afraid to see what we really are" lines right to my face. :rolleyes:
however, it was the greatest day ever for me, and showing the guys around, driving them here and there, talking with them for hours on end is still the best thing that's happened to me in the past five years (yes, even better than the three job offerings in the same day tuesday :) ).
one thing is puzzling me still, though: what kind of dimension door did you use to reach the show? i remember - vaguely, since my attention was quite obviously elsewhere - you telling me something about getting in under the rain and trying your best at some witty reply when i mentioned it wasn't raining when i got inside. well, i still stand my ground: the rains in milan stopped during the afternoon. i went inside the club only a few minutes before the doors opened (showing my badge around and bragging about it like there's no tomorrow) and i assure you the heavens were not crying. :confused:

Originally posted by Heidi

And I'll get really mad if you dare to download the songs before the album is released!:mad:

awww cmon Heidi....its all the same if i buy the album anyway :D
**i just thought id like to note, that im lazy and i dont actually make an effort to download songs before they coe out on cd, i would just gladly accept them if someone sent them or linked me to a site where i can get them with minimal effort**


the way i see it every band should send me advanced copies
Originally posted by Petethedrummer
the way i see it every band should send me advanced copies
thus spoke zarathustra.
people should do the same with us not only for cd's, but also for books and movies. and why don't they pay us as well? :)
yes, would think, wouldn't you that a msg board is indeed a good marketing tool, as well as fostering a sense of community amongst a band's fans...and how much more so in an environment like UM, where there is a cross pollinating effect (oh no, we're veering back toward the monk and the peas again!!!)...but whatever, I am just a humble man, not always in tune with the vagaries of tempermental musical personalities...
Originally posted by lizard
tempermental musical personalities...
liz, we're probably discovering a new psychiatric illness! :eek:
mad every musician and whoever falls in love with one of them. *ahem*
Originally posted by mourningstar
liz, we're probably discovering a new psychiatric illness! :eek:
mad every musician and whoever falls in love with one of them. *ahem*

I'll go with that.. :lol:

Jax<--who has a weakness for musicians, & gets bit in the ass by it every time :lol:
Originally posted by Lady of the Oracle
Jax<--who has a weakness for musicians, & gets bit in the ass by it every time :lol:
statistics: an exact science? only if the answer were "yes" i could say i'm a bit safer (a higher concentration of "wrong musicians" around you would mean a lower concentration of that particular species in my existence).
but statistics is boring, tonight i drank, if we eat two chickens i want the legs no matter what that old story of the "one chicken pro capite" says, there's one lovely musician who loves me, tomorrow i won't understand the meaning of this post, the 19th of december is at hand, i beg your pardon for these ramblings which must end. hic et nunc. *hic*
Originally posted by mourningstar
there's one lovely musician who loves me

And that's the important part, right? :)

tomorrow i won't understand the meaning of this post, the 19th of december is at hand, i beg your pardon for these ramblings which must end. hic et nunc. *hic*

Hey, we want to see some pics from Lee's trip this time..the happy couple and all that! Share the joy, darn it! :)