sonata arctica forum

I heard Epica while I was at a friend's hours in Chicago last month..sounds like it's going to be yet another kickass Kamelot cd! :)
at first, i thought the guy was referring to the new kamelot album. i could agree with his point of view (even if cob are only slightly better), but that's not too polite to laugh at something someone else just posted. so i would just smile :D.

then i realized bodomite uses to reply here and there with just a smiley, which only occasionally relates to what's being discussed. probably this is the case. isn't it, bodomite? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Lady of the Oracle
I heard Epica while I was at a friend's hours in Chicago last month..sounds like it's going to be yet another kickass Kamelot cd! :)

I was told it was going to be better than Karma, that is pretty hard to believe but than again who would of thought Karma would be better than the 4th Legacy...
YAY Liz!

I haven't forgotten that Supershine for you either..just trying to dig up my mp3 ripper program so I can reinstall it after my HD format last month. :)