Song influenced by Katatonia

I don't think its THAT similar. I don't even hear much of a Katatonia influence. The impact Opeth has had is clearer, though.

But the calm parts are not as dominant here, and not all out progressive rock. And the death metal stuff is more "pure" death metal than "opeth death"

I like this, but it sort of lacks a strong signature. Some melodies to give the songs more personality wouldnt hurt.
I talked about SOME Katatonia/Opeth-like moments. We don´t copy them and we don´t try to sound like them!
We got enough material which has nothing to do with those bands or comparable music.

By the way, thank you for listening ;)
it's nice that you, as many guys here, promote your band on the forum, the intro is no bad, but recall me many kat songs, as the other guys says just keep on creating new stuff, experiment new things! above all, best wishes!
The myspace generation is a horrid thing imo. It's definetly not jealousy, but when you hear kids say stuff like "job for a cowboy invented pig squeels" or "this is influential death metal" just makes me sick. And sure it's bringing metal to the forefront, but it's just highschool metal and nothing but!

What happened to being technical but putting your soul into it? These dime a dozen bands just shoot out "tech" riffs just to do it.
Did you know how many bands all over the world with name "Denied"? You try to copy Katatonia and Opeth? Of course it sounds very good, but so many bands played music like this. Be more original. =)

I wonder if you can do better than they do...btwy I think you are a moron :p
Wow sounds really good,something groovy/catchy to sing along...I'm loving the beat..yay!
Wow sounds really good,something groovy/catchy to sing along...I'm loving the beat..yay!

Thank you very much:)


I see Myspace as a nice chance to reach a bigger audience, make your music more public and adding new contacts, which are very helpful as a young, unknown band.
Do you have a band? You will understand, if you have one!

Of course, there are much bands who are nothing special, but It´s their good right to be on Myspace and to say stuff like "We play influential metal".
EVERY band thinks, that they sound special and unique!
And that´s why bands keep on playing their stuff, like Katatonia and all your favourite bands did in the past.

And I guess at least 80% of your prefered bands are on Myspace;-)
And I guess at least 80% of your prefered bands are on Myspace;-)

No! everyone knows that true metalheads only listen to music noone else has heard of.
if a band is on the interwebs they are automagically sellouts, play numetal and needs to be hated.

Seriously, this guy comes here to get an opinion on his music, says he is influenced by katatonia, and ends up beeing bashed for asking it? lighten up guys.
I like it. With every minute that passed it becomes more 'n more impossible to create something innovative. Bands that first make "influenced" music and then evolve are the backbone of the whole thing imo.
So keep it up guys. :)