Song Meaning Question.


Oh Snap...
Aug 4, 2007
I've been listening to SOWN a lot lately, and Potters Field is a good song. But what's bugging me is that I don't really know what it means! So... what is the meaning of it? :confused:
The song is about an unwanted child who has never felt any warmth from his mother and thinks that its life is senseless and it better should have been laid to rest at Potters Field which is - as posted before - a cemetary for aborted babies.
Thanks for the explanation everybody! :)
... Luckily this isn't the story of every baby born instead of aborted like their mothers might have originally planned. I know a woman who is living a happy life because her mother chose to let her live and put her up for adoption instead of aborting her. There are good stories and bad stories about the subject. Unfortunately, we only really hear about the bad ones.
I think I remember an interview with Dickinson where he spoke of him being an unplanned and unwanted child and he spent a lot of time with his grandparents when he grew up. His parents were very young.

At the other end of the scale, I knew this motherfucker who should have been aborted but it took about 25 years before someone decided the cocksucker should be mould and strangled him.
Arg; that's cool about Bruce Dickinson. did mean BRUCE, didn't you? And I've known a ton of assholes, but I would never wish death on them... but a good ass-kicking? Most definitely! :heh:

BTW, Thanx for all the explanations, people. :)
The following words were translated from an interview with John and Scott that was published in one Czech metal magazine in 1993.

Scott: "...It's a story about one woman who refused the abortion just because her religious principles. She gave birth to a baby who bacome a very dangerous maniac and deviant."
The following words were translated from an interview with John and Scott that was published in one Czech metal magazine in 1993.

Scott: "...It's a story about one woman who refused the abortion just because her religious principles. She gave birth to a baby who bacome a very dangerous maniac and deviant."

Thanks for the info!

Just kinda did a rant that was kind of not needed. So, since I can't erase posts (As far as I know)... yeah.
There is a potter's field here in Illinois. I know there is a graveyard, but that's about it. Also a lot of bad things happen there, like people getting shot and dumped there.
Arg; that's cool about Bruce Dickinson. did mean BRUCE, didn't you? And I've known a ton of assholes, but I would never wish death on them... but a good ass-kicking? Most definitely! :heh:

BTW, Thanx for all the explanations, people. :)

Yes, I meant Bruce.

And if you´d known that guy who´d wished him a ticket to hell.
I'll take your word for it, then. :p

And I'm glad that there's "in memoriam" gardens and things like that for aborted babies. Even if I don't like abortion, it's good that the aborted babies are at least respected after their death.
I'll take your word for it, then. :p

And I'm glad that there's "in memoriam" gardens and things like that for aborted babies. Even if I don't like abortion, it's good that the aborted babies are at least respected after their death.

It´s not just for aborted babies. I think a lot of stillborn and unknown are cremated and their ashes spread in those gardens. I´m pro-abortion and I also think it´s a good idea.
Potters field is also referenced in the movie It's a Wonderful Life. I think it's how they referenced slums when George got is wish to never have been born.