Aand, my vote goes to TDE. As much as I love to listen to/play some other songs (and some others are just sorta meh), TDE is THE highlight of the album.
Towards Dead End- such a kick ass song. One of my all-time favourite songs. They should definitely play that song live again!
Huh.. it would be easier to name song which i dislike on SW and HB. But i guess my vote will go to In The Shadows. Very atmospheric, awesome keyboards asociate with transilvanya :D getting that dark feeling especially after 4:20 :muahaha: EDIT: f*uck i missed. Of Hatebreeder,at the moment, my vote goes TO : Children Of Bodom I love intro,melodic song, have classical keyboards and new keyboard style with awesome solo, main riff is awesome and gives me feeling about murders at Bodom.
Hey Arcane ich bin die nächsten zwei Wochen in Urlaub und wahrscheinlich internetlos, würdest du vielleicht meine nächsten zwei Votes auch im Voraus annehmen...? Macht nix wenn du's vergisst, aber so hab ich's zumindest versucht ;)

Ich hätte gern Northern Comfort (weil das Ende ab 3:00 einfach nur hammermäßig geil ist) und You're Better Off Dead (cooles Intro und Lyrics zum Ablachen, außerdem mag ich den Chorus) :D