Oh shit round II started!

Bed Of Razers...

I just fell in love with this song very early on when I started listening to bodom and it stuck thus it was the first song I learned how to play by them.
Ok, Round 2 is over. Children Of Bodom wins with 9 votes and Hatebreeder goes second with 6 votes. Towards Dead End has also 6 votes but HB was namend first. It's 4:30 p.m. and I can't watch this board till wednesday so I will count all Hatebreeder votes from members which hasn't vote yet into to the final result off Round 2. So everybody who hasn't vote yet for HB - you still have a few hours. Anyways, results can be seen on first page, Round 3 is starting now and oh... NO VOTES FOR DOWNFALL!!!!!!!!



mocob: Northern Comfort
Children Of Decadense. My all time first Bodom song I liked! Super melodic semi-fast. If you'd done this a few months back I would have said ETID but now I again like COD more.

Ps. Check your YT inbox Arcane I sent you a message.