Great, I was hoping for another Song Survivor! Guess my preferences have slightly changed since last time.

Well, hard choice between Deadnight Warrior and Lake Bodom, this time my vote goes for Deadnight Warrior. I'd love them to play it live more often again! I especially like the keys there :) Lake Bodom is terribly close second though.

Hey Arcane, just a suggestion:

What about changing the group clashs for the showdowns this time? I mean, we could have showdowns like A vs. H, B vs. G, C vs. F, D vs. E instead of last times' A : B, C : D etc. I'd be curious if the winner would have been a different one last time if the groups would have been mixed differently. Opinions?

Nah, it would affect the reslut too much. If I would songs from HB and AYDY in one group, nobody would vote for AYDY. I still don't know how to make the finals this time because we now have one album more...
Have to say In the Shadows. There's just something epic in it. The way the whole song begins, the first 30 seconds of it or so.
[oldschoolfuckingblackmetal]Better be, because the first demo is decent, everything else sucks.[/oldschoolfuckingblackmetal]

IMO they sold out after "Implosion of Heaven."

And don't even get me started about "Shining" because that shit was like Metallica's "Load." I mean wtf was that. Did they really want the MTV crowd? Like sheesh....
You guys and your strange black metal bands. Closest I get to black metal is probably Goatwhore, who are pretty fucking awesome live...just in case Necroraven was wondering. HAHA!
TW... wouldn't work with any other album either. I think I just won't split the cover album because nobody cares about covers. What about older versions of Hate me, TDE,... not bring them in? Count them together with the album versions? Personaly, I like all older versions more than the album versions...

A COB vs. Sinergy competiton would be also very interesting. HB vs. SBMS and FTR vs. THAB
The Nail.

My two favorite forms of music over my lifetime have been metal and punk. Pennywise and Bad religion were huge when I was in middle school and so. The nail starts out like a punk song, then has my favorite Bodom section of all time, which is the middle interlude part. All slow and groovy with the satanic keyboard action, awesome, great atmosphere.

But Tokyo Touch is also genius. At one Bodom show my friends and I were yelling "Tokyo Touch!" to Alexi the whole time, sadly he didn't play it though.
its my first time i participate in this game.
Deadnight Warrior because of the solo and the amazing dual guitar/harpsichord section at the intro