Halo of Blood and... I dunno... Prayer for the Afflicted, it has one nice melody. Only other material I care about the album really is Morrigan intro and Suicide Bomber to some extent.
All Twisted and I don't know... Hold your Tongue

Hm... the album Blooddrunk has pretty much divided the votes
This made me realize how bad of an album HOB really is. Not one song that really stands out. Yes, HOB (the song) is different, but doesn't have much of a lasting appeal either. The same goes for IWC, except for Suicide Bomber. That song kicks ass but the rest is bland. I don't mind listening to the album every now and then but it'll mostly be through shuffle and not me actively picking the album to play.

HOB: Scream For Silence
IWC: Sucide Bomber

Beg to differ, personally. I feel a lot of the songs standout. Halo of Blood, Transference, BBM, DBR, and All Twisted are phenomenal. There's no real bad song on the album either.
Hard to decide between All Twisted and Damaged Beyond Repair. All Twisted has best CoB chorus they've made but Damaged Beyond Repair is better in every other way. So I guess it's DBR for me.

Easily Suicide Bomber.
Halo of Blood is my fav album so this is very very difficult. Blue Moon, Damaged and One Bottle are all top contenders but most of the time my fav is All Twisted so I will go with that one.

As for I Worship Chaos......hmm this is also hard especially where it's new. I'm torn between like 4 songs but lately I've been really digging My Bodom so that's my vote. The most criminally underrated song off of the album.

6 All Twisted
3 Scream For Silence
2 Damaged Beyond Repair
2 Halo Of Blood
1 Bodom Blue Moon
1 One Bottle And A Knee Deep
0 Dead Man's Hand On You
0 The Days Are Numbered
0 Transference
0 Waste Of Skin

4 All For Nothing
3 Suicide Bomber
3 Widdershins
2 Horns
1 Hold Your Tongue
1 My Bodom
1 Prayer For The Afflicted
0 I Hurt
0 I Worship Chaos
0 Morrigan

Vote for the best song in both categories.

Category A

The Nail
Black Widow
Children Of Decadence
Living Dead Beat
Banned From Heaven
Shovel Knockout
All Twisted
All For Nothing

Category B

Deadnight Warrior
Towards Dead End
Northern Comfort
Kissing The Shadows
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood
Done With Everything, Die For Nothing
Smile Pretty For The Devil
Cry Of The Nihilist
Scream For Silence
Suicide Bomber
A: Children Of Decadence

B: Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood

Surprisingly easy choices as these two songs are my top two Bodom songs. Had they been in the same category it would've been harder.
Man category B is insane to choose from.......but here goes:

Category A - All Twisted

Category B - Widdershins, but this is most likely because it's new and fresh