Song Survivor!

Agreed. Although I listened to Blooddrunk four times yesterday I couldn´t manage to decide which one´s the best, so I´m gonna choose the one I liked best when I heard the album for the first time, and that was DFEDFN.

edit: postjumped, I agreed with Arcane :)

Do you mean DWEDFN :lol:

BTW i'll go with Banned From the heaven!!! That song Rcoks!!:kickass::kickass:
IMO Hellhound is a kickass party song, Blooddrunk is cool cause of the key/git melody, Banned is epic because of the intro but the rest sucks, DWEDFN is great cause of the first chorus and TMR because of the interlude
Blooddrunk got no song which I can compare with my favs of the other albums and I think that Trashed pawns every song from Blooddrunk and I also don't like smile, one day and roadkill but it's my sec. favorite album because of it'S great mixing and the awesome guitar tone
Blooddrunk got no song which I can compare with my favs of the other albums and I think that Trashed pawns every song from Blooddrunk and I also don't like smile, one day and roadkill but it's my sec. favorite album because of it'S great mixing and the awesome guitar tone

Well, BD is no FTR or Hatebreeder (my favorite albums), but it's my third favorite. One of the only other Bodom albums where I can claim that I like every song on it.
Alexi: "Hey guys, I will really go now..."
Janne: "Before you leave, look what I brought for you!"
Alexi: "Goddamn, looking good, isn't this a...?"
Janne: "Yeah yeah, sixpack yes."
Alexi: "Ohh, this wasn't necessary my friend... and besides, we are having a great time here..."
Janne: "I know, but this is for tomorrow morning!"

Something along those lines I think..

In the origional Britney has a conversation thanking some guy for getting her a diamond ring and cob just threw in their version instead.

Don't know what he says at the end though..

This thread is steering offtopic methinks.. Is it time to put up our fav from Blooddrunk yet?

Thank you! :p

--EDIT: Done with Everything, Die For Nothing
Thank you! :p

I know it'll be a very unpopular choice, but I choose Roadkill Morning.

Yeah I love that song probably tied for my 1st best on the album, has a Something Wild vibe in a weird way which I cant describe since it sounds nothing like that cd. :worship:

But to give it a chance I'll choose my other 1st:
Done With Everything, Die for Nothing
^you already missed AYDY, we're on BD now.

And I'm going to have to go with Tie My Rope, the solo alone is one I put up there with one of the best Alexi has ever done. At the very least it might be my all time favorite. It's not the most technical or craziest, but it's just so tasty and perfectly put together.

Banned from Heaven is great too though.