Song Title?


New Metal Member
Oct 1, 2005
I'm new to DT and I love what I've heard so far. I was just wondering what song is that being played in the very beginning of the Live In Seoul Video on the main DT website? thanks
Plus you get all the other rare DT-tracks as well (The Poison Well, In Sight, Misery in Me, Cornered, No One and Exposure - although Static is clearly the best of these, IMHO) and the audio-portion of the Live Damage DVD (without UnDo Control, which appears on Lost to Apathy EP), so it is truly a worthy thing to have for every DT-enthusiast. A must buy, actually.

Then again, someone who is not that much into the band might find the majority of the stuff on Exposures a bit unnecessary. You decide.

I decide that I'm very much into the band but find the majority of the stuff on Exposures a bit unnecessary. Well, not unnecessary, just not that good, as far as the first CD goes. The second one is quite unnecessary.
But if you are into the band then the second CD is probably the most "unnecessary" DT album to have (along with "Lost to apathy"), IMO. "Exposures" CD2 isn't actually a very good "best of". The crowd was shut out during the songs, and Mikael makes several very bad mistakes in some songs. I do like the live versions of "Lethe" and "The wonders at your feet" more than the album versions, but overall it's not a very good CD (again, IMO). And "Lost to apathy doesn't really contain anything new ("Lost" is on "Character", as well as the original "The endless feed", and "Derivation" is kind of a "Through smudged lenses" remix).
UndoControl said:
But if you are into the band then the second CD is probably the most "unnecessary" DT album to have (along with "Lost to apathy")
Pff, Derivation TNB is fucking awesome. Not that I own the single either, because I don't buy them just for b-sides, but it is nevertheless a release that includes a damn awesome song that isn't released on any other release.
Sure, it's awesome, just like a lot of Tranquillity songs. But "Through smudged lenses" is much better (more powerful, more solid, more violent, and so on), and i don't really consider "Derivation TNB"a must-have, unless you're the kind of guy (like me) who wants to have all of his favorite band's songs. =)

And you don't have to buy them. You can download them. ;)
UndoControl said:
Mikael makes several very bad mistakes in some songs.

Uh, where? To my count, Mikael makes exactly two clear mistakes on that whole set - not that many, IMHO. He sings a couple of times differently than on album, but those are obviously due to the slightly different arrangements and appear on other live-recordings as well.

As for the unnecessity of Lost to Apathy EP, I agree with TheFourthHorseman that Derivation TNB is a great song and even without it, the Chaos Seed remix of The Endless Feed is alone worth the price of the EP, as it is much better than the version that appears on Character. Two great, untypical DT-songs for less than 6 euros - more of these, please.

Villain said:
As for the unnecessity of Lost to Apathy EP, I agree with TheFourthHorseman that Derivation TNB is a great song and even without it, the Chaos Seed remix of The Endless Feed is alone worth the price of the EP, as it is much better than the version that appears on Character. Two great, untypical DT-songs for less than 6 euros - more of these, please.


More indeed. Like maybe at least an album's worth? ;)
You want me to listen to the whole album and tell you exactly where Mikael makes mistakes? o_O

He does make mistakes --maybe two, maybe more-- which are bad enough to be called to attention (especially where he actually forgets the lyrics to "Hours passed in exile" and sings
"What if someone never opens? / What if someone never opens?" instead of "What if someone never sees? / What if someone never opens?" and "You can never tell me i'm right / The benefit of doubt" instead of "Though i never claimed to be right / Give to me the benefit of doubt"; one thing is to sing a bit different that what's sung on the album, which is perfectly fine, and another is to forget the lyrics to a song). And Niklas doesn't seem to be able to play quite as fast as he does on the album in the "Monochromatic stains" bridge (at 2:33), resulting in a crappy bridge (which is understandable, since you can't always give 100% when you're playing live).

Whether the version of "The endless feed" in "Lost" is better than the one in "Character" is merely opinion, so there's not much to say there, i believe.

And i am of the opinion (it's only an opinion, so don't hail aggression on me) that artists should sell each song for one US dollar (at most one euro). And that (along with the depressing fact that not everything everyone releases gets to Mexico) is the reason i download instead of buying. =)
@UnDoControl: They're human, no robots! Believe me, I've seen the guys... ;) No, seriously, these are things that can happen and we should be happy that we get the original live thing from the band and not a "studio-live-album" where every mistake is covered afterwards...

Concerning LtA: I think, you don't need the EP when you're just "listening" to dt, but as a fan, I had to buy it because I wanted to listen to the new stuff as fast as possible. As well as I got a nice cover, booklet, ...
@UndoControl: Try counting the mistakes Jimmy Page does when he performs live. At any rate, it's a live album and it doesn't have to be flawless. Lastly, I believe I heard different lyrics sung by Mikael the last few times performing live, but that's okay, I'm too busy headbanging away to even care.
UndoControl said:
And that (along with the depressing fact that not everything everyone releases gets to Mexico) is the reason i download instead of buying. =)

what part of mexico are you from? because i'm from monterrey and i've never had any problem finding original releases (even really obscure material, jacula, devil doll etc), so that's no excuse
being poor, like me, is a good excuse :p

as for Exposures, I find the second CD disappointing, considering I had bought the DVD
Schwedentod: Yea, Lacuna Coil's live studio versions in the second cd of the "Comalies" special edition kinda suck, so i agree about the live studio thing being worse than a real live cd. But still.. Maybe it's just me, but i find that particular mistake quite annoying... and more annoying still is the shutting-out of the audience.

Arch: I'm not a fan of Led Zeppelin. Not only have i never heard them live, but i have barely heard anything by them and i'm not really interested in them (as opposed to Tranquillity, which is my favorite band).

Hitori: I was also disappointed with the second "Exposures" cd, as you probably already noticed. I live in Cuernavaca, but even when i lived in Mexico City i couldn't find everything. I've got every original full-length album except for "The gallery" and "The mind's i" (i only saw "The gallery" once in a store, and that day i bought "Skydancer" and didn't have any cash left for "The gallery"; and i've never seen "The mind's i" in a store, except for the reissue, which came out after i'd downloaded all the songs), but i've never seen any demo or ep, so those i've had to download.
@Undo Control: My point is that as great as a musician Jimmy Page ever was, he was a sloppy musician live. And yes, I like Dark Tranquillity more than Led Zeppelin. Also, to claim Dark Tranquillity as your favorite band, there shouldn't be an excuse to not buy their albums. I went to Japan and paid ass-raping prices to buy dt's earlier stuff and this was before internet CD shops were readily available.
The difference is that all i really care for are their songs (i don't buy a cd for the booklet or to have the original, i buy a cd if i can't download the songs or if i'm already at the store with the cd in my hand and enough cash to afford it). I don't mind having a burned cd; if it's in my cd player, to me it doesn't matter if it's the original or if it says "Verbatim" or "Samsung" all over it.