Songs Currently Displeasing Your Ass

It really does just sound like QOTSA with less fuzz on the guitars. I like QOTSA though so I didn't mind it.
Yep. I told my friend this was pop metal and he called me an idiot as he's a Mastodon fanboy.
I find the excuse that those who dislike the song are "lacking in diverse musical taste" to be rather poorly-founded considering that something can be catchy and memorable without being boring and monotonous. March of the Fire Ants, Iron Tusk, Blood and Thunder, Divinations, etc. are all examples of songs that do this.
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@Talos of Atmora You gave great examples of their better songs, I wholeheartedly agree that Show Yourself is the worst song Mastodon have ever written. However, prior to Once More 'Round the Sun release people gave them shit for the track called High Road which was a great one tbh.
Violent Femmes - Blister In The Sun.
I think I'd prefer a cheese grater to the nutsack over listening to that crap.

we're having a new kitchen installed and they had the radio on and i was forced to endure this for the first time in a while. i probably hate the chilis less than most people here but honestly, fuck the zephyr song.
Anything from that new Deftones album.

God I fucking hate Gore so much.
So much more than I hate any Post-Metal Shoegaze bullshit band on the planet.

Noticed them on the RYM charts forever, finally decided to check them out. Holy shit is this some of the most dull Death clonery I've ever heard.