songs ive been into lately

Apr 19, 2009
the last few days ive been listening to some death metal and some black metal mostly, some songs ive been into are
Vital Remains-dechristinize
Nile-annihilation of the wicked
Necrophagist-only ash remains
Baphomet-valley of the dead
Mayhem-freezing moon
Gorgoroth-incip it satan
Darkthrone-transilvanian hunger
Torture killer-a violent scene of death.

if i turned anybody on to some bands or songs, lol im glad i could, these are just a few songs of a few bands that i like that i just felt like posting and wondered if anybody else likes these bands or wants to post some stuff they've been into recently, i like most subgenres of metal, just not metalcore and death core really, as well as classical music and blues thanks
All those songs are win. But in future, don't make threads like this; voice your opinion in the "songs that have been kicking your ass" or "the thread where you talk about music you like" threads.