Songs off Blooddrunk they'll play LIVE

TMR and BD we're already played live and according to SOB so was HBOMT. My guess is also ODYWC will be played, cause the intro is like LDB, and also Alexi's favourite from Blooddrunk, LDB was his fav on AYDY.. so maybe, maybe not anything is possible
I hope they play all the songs off of blooddrunk, each show. And here is to fucking hoping they take that piece of shit song downfall off their setlist.
id love to hear hellhounds, smile pretty for devil, banned from heaven and maybe tie my rope. and LoBodomy, especially this awesome beginning. That's the biggest killer one for me
i'd like to ear ODYWC live, this song is awsome...but we know the setlist for the gigantour, only Hellhounds and BD...
i was hoping ODYWC replace LDB.
When I went to Gigantour, they played Hellhounds and Blooddrunk. I'm pretty sure that was it, I don't remember the exact order.

They were amazing, I love Bodom so much...
they played songs in this order I think : Living dead beat, Sixpounder, IYF, Hate Me!, Hellhounds, Angels don't kill, BD and Downfall.:kickass:Hellhounds and BD fucking rock live!:kickass: