Songs that make you feel like you're really cool and not some gof looser.


Hair Metal
Mar 17, 2003
'Astinz innit. Yoo kay.
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whenever i listen to inflames-behind space or emperors elegy for icarus i get this surge of 'dude im so cool and gr1m'. i walk around all like "fuck you all, im tr00 and you listen to busted"

what songs make you do that?

dont pretend that youre all so humble either. being pompus is what metal is about......

or so ive been told.
Basically any song that makes me mosh in my seat also has that pompous thing as a side effect. Namely Emperor's Thorns on My Grave and In The Wordless Chamber and Inno a Satana.

Also Meshuggah, because it's easy to be elitist with them, coz u can say 'harhar d00d I kno teh p0ly-rhythms, j00 listen br1tn3yt speeeers'.
Moonlapse said:
Also Meshuggah, because it's easy to be elitist with them, coz u can say 'harhar d00d I kno teh p0ly-rhythms, j00 listen br1tn3yt speeeers'.

yeah, meshuggah for me also...

and i WAS serious about the slipknot thing
Emperor do that well dont they?

i need to check out meshugah, i want teh p0ly rhy7hm.

i meant cradle, who are , in my opinion, pretty 'gof'. i USED to like the old slipers but after i heard real metal i became too good for them. :lol:
Cradle's Vampire and and Dusk are n34t so you can just scrub your dirty piehole.
they are much better than fucking swedish candy pop death metal which most of people here are listening to...
yeah fucking inflames!
there last couple albums have been pretty mtv but their older ones are real good, heavy yet melodic=molodic death metal.

lets ignore this new breed of comercialised molodeath albums and look at how the genre should be, inflames-jester race, CoB-hatebreeder, soilwork-..........ok never mind.
illbeleavinnow said:
Any song in which Randy Rhoads does a solo. I always get up and get in the coolest stance and pretend I can play as good as him on my guitar and I'm like "Yeah I'm cool I can play like Randy Rhoads". You'r enot metal until you've pretended to play ridiculously fast solos.

props and kudos for you.

i cant beleive i forgot sir randy!

my first ever metal elite feeling was when i heard the solo to mr crowley!!

he rocks.

i miss him
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Cult of Luna - Anything from 'The Beyond', mostly.

The Dillinger Escape Plan - Sandbox Magician, Clipping the Apex - because they are too complex and technical for any of those stupid sk8r boi's or retarded pop princesses to listen to, meaning that I am superior to them.