Songs that sound like other songs


Aug 9, 2008
Among the Horrors
I know I am not the only one who will hear an intro for instance, and instantly think of it leading into another song etc.
I was reminded about this phenomena this morning while listening to Soilwork - Steelbath Suicide - In A Close Encounter. Between roughly :20 and :30 into the song there is a part that sounds like something straight off of a later Death album, and repeats again at roughly around 2:15.
This isn't the only song I know that does this but it's the one I just heard. What are other songs, or parts of songs that you guys know of where this kind of thing happens?

check this out: [ame][/ame]



No, I really can't believe how blatantly plagiarized this is, either.
the guitar-melody in the chorus of Rammstein's 'Mutter' reminds me a lot of Metallica's 'Unforgiven'
Venom - Don't Burn the Witch ---> Bathory - Born for Burning

Malign - Ashes and Bloodstench ---> Deathspell Omega - Malign Paradigm
Dreams of Eschaton by Manilla Road has the same riff as Angel Witch's Angel of Death

Angel of Death being the original

Also, Lamb of God used the Into the Pit riff on Laid to Rest.
Here is a good one:
Morbid Angel - "Hellspawn" and Bathory - "chariots of fire"

The main riff on both of these songs sound exactly the same, which essentially makes both of the songs sound exactly the same.
I'm not sure which songs but the ex Dimmu Borgir keyboardist stole some part of a song from Magnum (a pomp rock 80s band with D&D fantasy type lyrics).
Pantera - Rise has almost the same riff as Helmet - Unsung. The songs are not that similar in other ways. Funny thing I used to dig Helmet back in the day, but I kinda got tired of them.