Songs with stripped vocals?

so very bleak

New Metal Member
Sep 11, 2004
Hi there, I know I'm relatively new and all, but I was wondering if you guys could provide me with some songs that have stripped vocals so I can record my own voice over them. Now, I've been practicing this kind of stuff for a while now and I think that my stuff is pretty good, but could definitely use some improvement. I don't have a sample of myself at the moment, because all my recording stuff is at my friend's house, but if anyone could provide me with some no-vocals Opeth to sing over, that would be perfect. Thanks in advance.
Blah Blah Blah -- Love Songs For The New Mellennium
Has a first track that is 16 track interactive thing that
you can mute any of the 16 tracks.
You are the studio engineer!!!
Tis from the Rob Zombie guitarist.

I would imagine this really sucks.
I've never been in a band before, nor am I sure if I could really sing, but lately I've been writing lyrics and stuff...Regardless I was always wondering myself how to get that "Grim Reaper" growl that Mike uses on the majority of Opeth music (minus Damnation) without my thoat hurting immensely, or it breaking up. I think I have the clean vocals down, I just love to sing along to Damnation sometimes, quietly.

This really has nothing to do with the original thread post. Oh well. Maybe someone knows how to scream without shredding your vocal cords?
ChrisEmerson said:
you have to practice every day for about a year to be able to do it well and without it hurting.

i think.

there are quite a few threads on it already, use the search, might come up with something.

I better invest in some cough drops and alot of cool water.