Songtitles - Damnation

Apr 22, 2001
Hi there!
The songtitles for Damnation are now up on the site.
I have personally experienced the album and it is magnificent!
I think the titles are pretty good... except for "Ending Credits," which is kinda lame. But, the album will surely kick too much ass for me to care about the songs titles.
i dont see "mordet i grottan"
unless im overlooking the english translation?...perhaps "death whispered a lullaby" since the song is about the dude who died in the cave.
or maybe it will be released on a bonus cdor what they did with still day/patterns II on BWP
Looking good... just wish that some of the song names were a bit more imaginative. I mean c'mon 'Godhead's Lament and Moonlapse Vertigo'... I dont think anyone has a fucking clue what they mean (including Mikael haha) but they're just the most awesome song names.
Originally posted by Moonlapse
Looking good... just wish that some of the song names were a bit more imaginative. I mean c'mon 'Godhead's Lament and Moonlapse Vertigo'... I dont think anyone has a fucking clue what they mean (including Mikael haha) but they're just the most awesome song names.

Yeah those titles are cool, but I still like the ones that make a little more sense though.... my personal favorites are "Dirge For November", "By the Pain I See in Others", and "Advent"....

So I think these titles are pretty cool....
Ooh, ooh, apparently, one of the songs is a short instrumental that is almost "happy"... but not quite. I can't remember the exact phrase Mikael and Peter used, but it was on a radio interview. :D
I like most of these titles, but "Ending Credits"? Mmm. I don't know. I guess it will make sense once I read the lyrics, but until then I'd say that "Ending" would be a more opethian title. Not that it really matters.