Songwriters, What you guys do for insperation?


Nov 24, 2010
Livingston, Scotland. UK
I wanna do a short ep for the fun of it but I never feel inspired anymore like I used to so I was wondering is there anything you guys do to help when you's wanna write a song? (Except fapping).

I used to write all the time and I have wrote a lot for my latest band but I feel like I can't write anymore or anything I do write I get fed up with and decide it sucks haha.
Snort cocaine off a call girl's butt cheek standing through the sun roof of a BMW while another call girl drives really fast down the road. Never figured out how the coke stayed on the butt cheek though.

Seriously though, I havent done it as much lately but going to a movie was one thing I did, sounds kind of boring but it worked for me, especially if the theater served beer. Concerts are another pastime, although I haven't done that since my new job started. Women, beer and metal are really the whole motivation for my sad existence.
Snort cocaine off a call girl's butt cheek standing through the sun roof of a BMW while another call girl drives really fast down the road. Never figured out how the coke stayed on the butt cheek though.


I might give it a try(the cinema bit), lately I've been very anti social cause of illness haha.

Not even a good enough illness to inspire writting a song haha.
I might give piano a shot but I can't really play one haha. I can do a couple of chords and stuff but thats it haha. Do you do this?

yeh, try writing a chord sequence on piano and then go back and play it on guitar, can open up all sorts of new ideas.
Take a shit. A lot of my ideas came when I was shitting xD
You can also play awesome airdrums on the toilet.

If you´re stuck dont tough the guitar at all....the creativity will come back