What do you guys do to relax?

Get a blowjob, chill in a hot tub, fuck, fuck some more, fuck again, and then sack out to the television (hopefully to some man tastic marathon of James Bond movies).

hahah blowjob is the best to relax.

I did yoga a few years ago and it was GREAT. I relaxed a lot, lost A LOT of weight (like around 10~15kg) and just felt like a better person. My wife became less aggressive, slept better, felt better...

I was never really into lifting weights. Tried that a few times, but I never could keep on lifting - I lost interest quickly. But in fact, it did help me feeling better too.
Muscle relaxants, sleeping pills, alcohol, xbox, porn / wanking, watch movies, go for a walk, talk to somebody about stupid shit, hang out with the cat, beat the fuck out of my drumkit

that sorta thing?
+1 for physical activity. Lives in developed countries are way to sedentary. I used to run alot. It would reset my brain. If I went too many days without running 4 or 5 miles I would get in a funk.

I gave it up a couple months ago due to back pain, which I know is not a great advertisment for running. But that was after 18 years of running. Now I lift heavy things more and eat lots of meat.

Basically what I am getting at is doing a physciall activity that takes lots of mental concentration will lead to you foregetting about your problems for a while and give you the bonus of better health.
+1 on the bath, I really enjoy laying on my sofa, reading a good book and listening
to some nice music.
+1 million to the blowjob and fucking part, as long as you have a girl or whatever
you like to fuck, if you don't have something like that, just fap all day long.

Walking is pretty good, too, I like to go for a walk, like 1 or 2 hours.
I get a 1 hour massage once every two weeks. Not only is it a super stress reliever, the masseuse will work out any muscles in your back, arms, and legs that are really tight from sitting in a chair and working all day. I didn't even realize how much of a difference it made until I got my first one. I have a lot less back pain overall, and it's more affordable than you think.
After working with near to zero free time for a year, it took me quite some time to learn how to relax again.
Don't think it can be achieved so quickly.
Anyways, what I do: Sleep until noon, listen to some good music (preferrably relaxed music), have a long hot shower (bathtub is for pussies :lol: ), call some friends I had no time to talk to recently, etc. just let the day float and do what you feel like. Play video games, watch a video with friends, play guitar, browse teh interwebz, do sports, do nothing at all, fart loud in the shower and of course: fap.
Get a non music related hobby. It's amazing how good it is for your soul/life/happiness/whatever. I paintball, but any hobby (preferably physical or outside) where you aren't thinking about music will help your brain reset....

Other things you can are just mingles entertainment. If you're working 10-12 hours a day 6-7 days a week you need to just shut off...

-video games
-social activities with friends


Or just shred the fuck out of my muscles with some form of working out.

and.. beer.
I like to lift dumbbells to get stress out and anger, that and sleeping haha. I still have no girlfriend so BJ's are off the cards, its just me and my hand when it comes down to those primal needs :D
Yoga, meditation, visiting spirit worlds, all of these are wonderful things.

But fundamentally, don't think about yesterday, don't think about tomorrow, because right now, you ain't got a care in the world, and that's what matters and that's what will bring you into a peaceful state of mind.