

Herald of Homoerotic Fury
Aug 10, 2002
I have a question for all of you songwriters out there. Do you do anything in particular concerning music you listen to when you're attempting to write? Or do you not have 'attempts' per se, and stuff just randomly comes to you?

I note that some prominent writers (Swano in particular) have a tendency to not listen to any music at all when they're writing; they think it interferes.

On the other hand, others (Hetfield said he does this) surround themselves with as diverse music as possible.

I suppose the argument could be made to also listen to the sort of music you want to write.

And sometimes for me, music randomly pops into my head through dreams and randomosity like that. I usually find attempting to unite a few similar ideas works pretty well.

What's your creative process like, chumalums?
Not that I'm exactly a distiguished songwriter, but stuff just tends to pop into my head at the least convenient time possible. On the bus home, in the shower, while taking a test... Usually by the time I get to my guitar I forget what it was, but sometimes I find something cool while trying to figure out what I'd thought of before.
I listen to A LOT of music... just about every type...
But when I'm writing, I can't really listen to music. I listen to what I've just created over and over and try to think of something clever to put next.. and it just keep's going. It's like a construction project.. you just build with what you get and keep adding on till it's complete. It's even more special when you tie everything together.
Usually, things just pop into my head. When I actually try to write stuff, some classical music is nice, it gets me thinking of keys, chords, and stuff in the like
Oh yeah, I always come up with stuff when I'm really tired. Like, all-nighter too much coffee tired. Only problem is whenever that happens I'm busy and then I forget what I thought of.
Im kinda having trouble coming up with new stuff at the moment, ive been playing guitar 6 years, and always been writing songs, but at the moment i just cant seem to come up with anything good.. maybe im losing interest.. i dont know
There are many ways for me. Sometimes when I listen to some very good song, something similar pops in my mind. But that happens rarely since there not so many bands that make such good music that can give me inspiration. Usually I just make some intro of a melody in my mind and build it to the point where it's good enough to be written down (just like Illusion explained). This tactic gives me about 90% of the stuff I write down. Sometimes I also like to do it like the boys of Skyfire...I just take my acoustic guitar and start playing... and something comes up eventually. I think I'm very productive so there's not just one way I describe the sources of my inspiration.