Sonm, can you help me?


Jul 22, 2004
I'm one of the poor saps that gets to sing at the Christmas eve mass at my church, and as I was 'practicing' (I was actually botching all the songs) I thought, "Holy crap, Sonm's voice would totally rule these songs. I tried to emulate it and I sounded worse.
My question is this: have you got any tips to help me improve my voice (by this I mean 'get it to sound like yours')? Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks!
That sounds really weird man!
Are you going to sing with growls like mine? I hardly do clean vocals. I hardly did to be exact. But there is a good recipe to improove your vocals... The first advise is general - take lessons. The second is more local so to speak. Have a good sleep, do not talk for the whole day and just before singing try (if you dare) mix one raw egg, half tea spoon of sunflower-seed oil, 50-100 gramm of cognac, blend it well, gragle and swallow. That tastes like a barf but helps a lot, at least in my case...
Good prayer to the right lord should help as well :))) hehehehe
Cheers :))
Sonm said:
That sounds really weird man!
Are you going to sing with growls like mine? I hardly do clean vocals. I hardly did to be exact. But there is a good recipe to improove your vocals... The first advise is general - take lessons. The second is more local so to speak. Have a good sleep, do not talk for the whole day and just before singing try (if you dare) mix one raw egg, half tea spoon of sunflower-seed oil, 50-100 gramm of cognac, blend it well, gragle and swallow. That tastes like a barf but helps a lot, at least in my case...
Good prayer to the right lord should help as well :))) hehehehe
Cheers :))
I wasn't actually intending to sing all growly; I don't know that it would be appropriate for Silent Night... I was thinking about your vocals in 'Black Swans' because they're amazing.
Unfortunately I can't really take lessons because the teacher up here at the college also happens to be exceedingly paranoid, and I'm not really on good terms with her. I do sing along a lot, would that suffice?
Anyway, thanks for the advice. I'll definitely try that gargle thing. As unsavory as it sounds, I know I must've cooked something far worse for myself some time.
Aha! I see. Well as far as I know doing vocals yourself can spoil the whole thing. It's like when I was learning how to slalom. Our teacher was always saying - if you want to lear how to handle all nasty turns and stuff don't learn to ski yourself, otherwise you will consolidate your own mistakes and won't be able to get rid of your wrong style. If you want to learn then do it with me. Well, then she got pregnant and stopped training us for half a year, but people continued skiing anyway and I was among them... So as you can clearly see now I do physics and music (vocals in particular) but not skiing and winning prises, which is a good thing anyway.
I am not saying that if you learn how to sing yourself you will be winning slalom awards tho (lol), but after all this crap I just have said seatting on my flat ass (it's flat because I keep on writing my thesis already for three months) in the middle of nowhere in my point gets more clearer - vocal lessons would defenitely help a lot whatever your inborn abilities are!

P.S. Don't do physics my friends, otherwise you are going to sound like I do, which is not a bad thing in a sense... yeah... what sense? Finally I lost the thread... Well, sense of humor I reckon!! :Russell: :Lee: :))))
2 Black Tears :))) Drinks, they usually taste :)) I don't think it will help if you just listen to it :))
Hey guys :)) Just don't blame me if you throw up!!
I am high goddddddamnit :) These formulas act like a good damn smoke I guess. But in order to avoid topics like "Sonm, we need your advise on good and effective barf-removers!" I WARN YOU!! IT TASTES HORRRRIBLE!!!
Is that what you're getting your PhD in, Sonm? Physics? Thats frigg'n cool! I like physics alright, but relativity daunts me enough without applying numbers to it. I'll probably be doing economics myself, not that it matters. At any rate, thanks agian for the advice, I'll try to get my dad to buy some cognac.
None_So_Vile said:
I bet this is one of Sonm's experiments for his PhD and we're all the test subjects haha
2 None So Vile.. Hell yes. It calls "Effects of magnetization switching in Superconductor/Ferromagnet hybrids", which obviously means how to make people puke!
Sonm said:
2 None So Vile.. Hell yes. It calls "Effects of magnetization switching in Superconductor/Ferromagnet hybrids", which obviously means how to make people puke!

Ah, now I see... :p
Hey Sonm speaking of physics, (kinda wrong place to ask) But recently I heard about some experiment a scientist did by putting a cat into a black box that was virtually impenetrable, and then told the other scientist he released poison into the box. The question proposed was: Is the cat dead. For some odd reason it stumped them all. Heard anything about this? I ask because I have been told the guy was a physicist
Ayzahar ZoHar said:
Hey Sonm speaking of physics, (kinda wrong place to ask) But recently I heard about some experiment a scientist did by putting a cat into a black box that was virtually impenetrable, and then told the other scientist he released poison into the box. The question proposed was: Is the cat dead. For some odd reason it stumped them all. Heard anything about this? I ask because I have been told the guy was a physicist

i dont get it :confused: